Chapter 13

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A/N: I know i suck at updating and i know i'll say i'll update soon but i seriously forgot i had a fan fic to write but i'll try writing more, i'll attempt to but in the mean time hope you enjoy and yeah xx

Chloe's POV

I didn't realize that we had been watching tv for a solid 2 hours. I looked over at him but when i did he turn away. I blushed.
"So uhh, are you staying for dinner?" i ask.
"Uh only if you want me to," he says. "do you want me to stay," he says raising his eyebrow.
"If I say yes will you behave yourself," i ask.
"Maybe," he says with a smirk.
"What do you want?" i say. "Nothing fancy something that can be order here?" I say getting up and grabbing my phone.
"Oh I know this really good chinese place," he say.
"Omg i love chinese," i say. I give him my phone and he dials the number and orders. He's on the phone quite awhile ordering fooding. After what seems like forever he hungs up.
"How much food did you order?" i asked worried about the amount it will cost.
"uhhh, i think a bit to much?" he says. I laugh. I hadn't even realized that i had put my legs on top of him. I pull them off straight away.
"Sorry.." i say awkwardly.
"It's okay, i didn't mind," he say.
"I have to admit at first I thought you were a dick, but you actually seem like a good guy," i say smiling at him.
"Well, at first i thought you were a sarcastic bitch, but your not that bad yourself," he says.
"Thanks for the compliment," i say rolling my eyes.
"Actually your better than i expected," he says with a smirk.
"You to," i say getting closer nearly inches away from him. He looks me in the eye and i don't see amusement or nothing, I see lust and kindness. He looks down at my lips and he looks back up and see's me still staring at him. He blushes. I start to lean in, only centimetres away from his lips. Just as our lips were about to touch, there was a loud knock on the door. I jerk back getting scared.
"That must be the food," i say getting up and walking to the door. I thank the man and pay him. I walk over with a massive bag.
"I think you order a little to much," i say laughing. He's eye widen and cracks up laughing. "The guy looked at me like a was some sort of pig or something,"
"Well, your a pretty pig," he says. 
"Oh so you think im pretty ," I say sitting next to him.
"Oh uhhh well what i meant was umm okay yer i think your pretty," he says blushing. I smile at him at dig into the food. I took one spoonful and it was amazing. I think i might of made some moaning noise but i didn't care. I looked over to see Chuck shoving food down his throat. I started laughing at him. He looked over and glared but continued to eat. We didn't talk we just ate, giving glances at each other here and there. We finally finished the huge amoutn of food and both lyed back down on the couch.
"I don't think i've ever eaten this much foods, not that im complaining or anything," i says with a smirk.
"Even for a growing guy i've never eaten this much, let alone seen a girl eat that much," he says laughing. I give him a small shove but he grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. He looks down at my lips and then looks me in the eye.
"I've been wanting to do this the moment i meet you," he said. He all of a sudden crashes his lips onto to mine. i can hardly breathe with the way he's kissing. He slowly moves on top of me not breaking the kiss. We kiss for what seems like forever. I feel his hand making its way up my waist past my stomach and near my chest. I feel his hand slowly going to my breats. I break the kiss.
"Wooh, did i do something?" he says. I look down at his hand then i look back up at him.
"Is that hand supposed to be there?" i say raising my eyebrow.
"What haven't you ever had a guy caress your boob before?" he asks confused.
"What kind of person do you think i am?" i say raising my voice a little. "Do you think i just let guys i've hardly met grab my boob," 
I push him off me. "I think its time you leave," i say not making eye contact.
"This is crap, you know your not even that good of a kisser, and by the way there wouldn't even be anything to grab," he says walking out the door and slamming it.
I lay down on the couch and shred a few tears. I feel like every guy I've ever had anything with i always seem to push them away. I clean up food and head to my bedroom. I fall on to my bed and slowly go to sleep. I wake up the next morning to my phone buzzing. I check the caller ID. It Blaire.
"Hello?" i says half asleep.
"Hey have you checked gossip girl, seriously did you really do that? And by the way i'm sorry," she says. I look confused. I grab my laptop and look up gossip girl. As i click on the link, my mouth drops.
"OMG, what....NO this didn't happen" i say starting to get upset.
(Gossip Girl)
Hello, upper eastside it seems new girl Chloe has sealed the deal with the one and only Chuck Bass. It seems like newbie and chuck had a little alone time together at her house and it seems later on in the night that Chuck leaves because he wasn't satifised with her.
That's all for now. You know you love me. xoxo Gossip Girl

"OMG that never happened, well he did come to my house but i didn't have fucking sex with him," I said having a mini panic attack.
"Wooh calm down, I help you get through this but seriously didn't anything happen with you and chuck," she says. I obviously have to tell her but seriously we only made out and that was it.
"Well, we did kinda make out but that was it, I swear. I wouldnt let him do anything else to me," i say.
"Good, because chuck has a reputation for sleeping with anything with two legs," she says. I chuckle.
"Hey i'll pick you up from your house and I'll help with the stares, trust me i have had to deal with it," she says. I hang up the phone and text her the adress. I quickly get changed and do my make/hair. I pakc makeup in my bag just incase something happens and i end up crying. I hear a horn go so I run down stairs to be greeted by my mother.
"Hey mum, blaire's droppping me to school, okay by love you," i say grabbing a banana and a fruit drink and running out the door.
"Hey," i say.
"I want to apologize for my party and stuff, I was a real bitch and i shouldn't treat a friend like that, sorry" she says.
"It's alright, but don't change for me you've always been i bitch," i say smirking. She gives me a little shove and laughs. We pull up outside of school.

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