Chapter 11

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Chloe POV 

As i left 5th period Dan came running up to me.
"Hey!," he said excitedly.
"Hi.." i said with a laugh. "Why you so hyper?"
"Oh nothing I just wanted to see how you were?" he asked smiling.
"Mm it was alright one of the girls in my class, Amy, asked if I wanted to sit with here at lunch with her friends so it wasn't to bad though how about you?" i ask.
"It was alright the meetings were long and boring i missed like half of one of my classes," he said with a frown,
"Hey you to lovebirds stop talking and get to class," i teacher yelled as he was walking past. We both laughed.
"I'll see you later or tomorrow," i said waving my hand. We walked opposite directions. As I arrived to class a little late. Everybody seemed to be staring at me. Like not just when you walk in they stare for a few moments than look away. They all are staring at me like I did something. I ignore them and look around the class. There are two seats one at the very front middle or one in the back corner next to chuck.
"Are you going to take a sit?" the teacher ask.
"Oh yer sorry," i say awkwardly walking to the back. I sit down next to chuck not looking at him but i could feel his eyes on me. I look at him.
"Have you always been in my class?" i ask only realizing now that we are in two classes.
"Yer but I always sit at the back," he said. I nodded. "So have you seen your bestie Serena today?"
"First of all she's not my bestie and second why do you care?" i ask annoyed.
"Well, I'm actually good friends with her so I was just thinking that if you were good friends with her to then we should become good friends," he said with a smirk.
"Not in a million years would I want to be good friends with you?" i says in a sassy voice.
"Oh i understand you'd rather be more than friends, i got it," he says winking at me. I roll my eyes at him and focus on class.
"Theres a rumor going around that you and Dan are dating?" he ask rasing his eyebrow.
"Why would you care unless your jealous?" i say with a grin.
"Why would i be jealous of someone like him?" he says laughing.
"I didn't say you were jealous of him," i said. "I'm saying that you would be jealous of the fact that he has me and you don't," i said.
"Why would I be jealous, why would I even want you?" he said which kind of hurt.
"Where not dating anyways and trust me the only girls that would want you are the ones that are stupid enough to think the almighty Chuck Bass actually likes them but instead all he wants to do is just get in there pants," i say harshly before getting up and moving to the front sit.

Chuck POV

"Where not dating anyways and trust me the only girls that would want you are the ones that are stupid enough to think the almighty Chuck Bass actually likes them but instead all he wants to do is just get in there pants," she says as she gets up and moves to the front. She gets alot of weird looks and then everyone looks at me and so people laugh and giggle. I smile at all of them. They all back around. I look at where Chloe is sitting. I wish she hadn't moved. I liked talking to her. The weird thing is though is at first when i saw her and talked to her i did just want to get in her pants but now like i just want to go up to her and kiss her. I know i did say some harsh stuff to her just then but thats who I am. I'm not going to admit that i actually having feelings for a girl i hardly know. Woh i have feelings for her. Shit! This is a first. I've never really had feelings for a girl. I usually see someone attractive and we just hook up. Well i think they want more but I don't. Time passes and the bell goes. I see Chloe get up straight away and walk out the door. I quickly get up and try and catch up to her. I see were speed walking down the hallway. I slightly jog after her. I finally catch up.
"Hey there," i say with a grin.
"What do you want?" she ask. I could tell she was a annoyed.
"So do you want to hang out or something?" i asked. She stopped and looked at me.
"Are you serious?" she asks. "Is this how you pick up girls, you insult them and then you ask them out," "Your pathetic," she says.
"Hey I just want to hang out as in a way of saying sorry," i said hoping it would change her mind.
"Well, I have more important things to do like going home and doing my homework," she says as she storms off. Well my chances with her are gone.

Chloe POV

Did he really think i was that easy. Seriously why in a million years would i want to have sex with him. His way of saying "sorry" isn't excatly what i want. I slowly walk to the front gate. I feel my phone vibrate. Its my mom.
Mom: Hey, i'm sorry to do this to you but I'm stuck and work and the boss won't let me leave so you'll have to find your own way home and i put so more money on your card for a taxi and for dinner tonight because i have no idea when I'm coming home so don't order anything for me.
Great. Home alone again. This has happened so many times. I slowly walk down the stairs and accidentally bump into someone. I look up and see Blair. Crap.
"Oh well look who it is?" she says.
"Blair please I'm sorry for what i did," i say.
"I don't care, you still chose her over me," she says. "I can't forgive you but i will do this."
"Just if we want to stay mutal not as enemys nor friends then just don't hang around her okay?" she says.
"But what if she wants hang with me," i ask.
"Well just say sorry i'm not interested or say i'm don't really want to be friends?" she saids. I nod and she walks away.
"What was that all about," i here Dan say as he approaches.
"Nothing," I say glaring at her as she walks away.
"So is your mum nearly here?" he asks.
"um no sh's not picking me up," i say.
"Oh so do you need a ride home?" he asks.
"Nah it's okay you've done enough for me and i'll just grab a cab," I say. He nods and gives me a hug as i'm hugging him i see Chuck staring at me. I pull away from him and we say our goodbyes. I walk out the gate and onto the side walk. I had no idea how to get a cab. Do i call a number or do i just wave my hands and yell taxi like they do in the movies.
"Taxi," i yelled waving my hands. "Taxi?" I proceed to do this for a solid 10 minutes. I give up, no one is stopping for me. I so regret not taking that ride with Dan. I mentally kick myself.
"Do you need a ride?" I here someone say. Out everybody in the whole world it had to be Chuck.
"No i'm fine, i'm just waiting for my mum," i say lieing.
"Well, i know your lieing because i just watched you shout taxi multiple times, unless your mums a taxi?" he jokes.
"Okay fine my mums not picking me up but i don't need your help," i saying.
"I know i was a dick early but at a time like this your not going to get a taxi," he says. I look at him and totally regret the words that come out my mouth.
"Fine," I say

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