Chapter 16

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A/N: I honestly thought nobodies was reading this but i'm so shocked that there are a a lot of people reading this. Also I know I'm a terrible human being because i have updated in literally forever. I'm trying to be committed to it at the moment, but i just returned to school so I'll try to update when I can. Also this story will not always follow the same storyline as the tv show xx

Chloe POV

Walking through the hallways was tough. Still getting the same looks as yesterday. I try to ignore them as much as I can but they still effect me. Me and Chuck are on a talking level but I still don't know if he actually likes me the way he did. I walked to class and saw Serena sitting at the back. She looked up and smiled. I quickly walked to the back and took a seat next to her.

"How you doing today? Any better?" she says comforting.

"I talked to him and smoothed everything out, but I don't think he wants to be with me," I say sadly. "I think i ruined anything that could have happened between us,"

"Babe, don't worry about him, there are many other attractive guys out there and even at this school," She says giving me a side hug. "Honestly i can hook you up with any guy, i have my connections," We both giggle.

"Ahem, is there something funny about my teaching girls?" Mrs Rollins says. I had totally zoned out and hadn't even realised the lesson had started. I look over at Serena and nudge for her to answer. 

"She's probably trying to scope out which guy she will sleep with next," A student say. Everyone laughs.

"That it not funny and very inappropriate," Mr Rollins says. I give her a little smile but she ignores it.

"By the record, she didn't even sleep with Chuck, I think she has for dignity than that," Serena says. I giggle a little but brush it off as every is silent.

"That will be enough of that," Mrs Rollins says madly. "If you don't mind I'd like to start my ohh sorry continue my teaching,"

The bell had rung and me and Serena ran out the class hoping Mrs Rollins wouldn't have one of those "after class talks". As we were running out a barged into someone. I looked up to see Dan. A huge smile grew on my face.

"Dan, omg how are you?" I smiled directing my eye contact to Serena.

"Hey, Chloe, oh uhh hey Serena..." he said awkwardly.

"Hey Dan, you look nice today," Serena said.

"You look amazing yourself," He says. She blushes. I laugh. I look over Dan's shoulder to see Chuck. 

"I'm going to leave you lovebirds alone," I say. Serena grabs my arm.

"Where are you going," She says concerned.

"I need to go to the toilet, I'll see you later," I say smiling while walking towards him. I take a deep breath. I look up and he makes eye contact with me.

"Hey," I say.

"Hi," he say.

"Can I talk to for a second?" I ask.

"We already are talking," he says. I smile.

"Um, I was wondering if you wanted to do something after school?" I ask.

"What did you have in mind," he says raising his eyebrows. I push him.

"Anything PG rated," i say smiling. 

"How about you come over to mine, because i doubt my father will be home anytime soon, and we can just watch some movies and eat some food," He says.

"Okay, that sounds like a date," I say before realising. "I don't mean a date i mean a uh..." He starts laughing.

"I know exactly what you meant," he says still laughing.

Me and Chuck Bass - Gossip Girl Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now