Chapter 14

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Chuck POV

I didn't exactly want to go to school because I didn't want to see Chloe. I knew she was going to lash out at me or get mad because she thinks i told Gossip Girl that we hooked up. I layed back on my bed with my hands on my face. I guess i just have to face it.

My limo pulls up infront of school. As i step out, i look to the left and see Chloe getting out of Blaire's car. Crap. She looks over at me and does not look happy. She goes to walk my way but Blair pulls her pack and whispers her something. She looks back over at me and storms off.

Chloe's POV

We pulled up in front of school. I didn't want to be here let alone see Chuck. As i got out of the car, i looked to my right and saw him. Of all the people the first person i see is Chuck. Great. I feel this rage and anger built up inside of me ready to explode on him. I start to march his way but Blair pulls me back.
"He's not worth it, trust me," she says. I look over at him and storm off. As i stepped into school all eyes were on me. Everybody just stopped what they were doing to stared. Didn't say or do anything just stared. 
"What, it's not even a big deal, who hasn't had sex with Chuck," Blaire said as she dragged me through the hallway. 
"Thank you," i said. She looked over at me and smiled. I don't like when people fight my own fights but I just wasn't strong enough to face everyone all at once. 

We get into class. I look through the classroom and see Serena. I smile and wave and she does the same back. 
"Hey, i don't want to sound like a bitch but when your around me don't interact with her," she said. "I know i can't control who your friends with but that's the least you could so,' I just nodded. I quickly grabbed my phone and text Serena.
"Hey, Blair said to me the only way i can be friends with you is if she's not around and i know that sounds controling but she's really helping me through this tough time so it's the least i could do for her," She texted back straight away.
"Hey, I understand i was her friend once. I had to do similar stuff," she texted. I smiled.
As lunched came i told Blair i would meet her at the stairs. As i got to my locker I saw Dan.
"Hey, Dan," i said hoping he would come over. He looked at me really awkwardly then waved back but kept walking. I got really confused. I followed after he, quickly gaining up to him. 
"Hey?" i said confused. He turned around not looking that happy to see me.
"Oh uh hey," he said rubbing his head.
"Is everything alright?" i said.
"Yer fine, i actually have to go," he said about to turn away.
"Woh what's the matter a couple day's ago you acted like we were best friends, now your trying to find every excuse to leave me, what's up?" i said.
"I don't want to talk about it okay," he says and walks off. I felt like someone had just cut my heart open. I don't remember doing anything to Dan. I haven't done anything. 

I meet Blair at the stairs and see tweedle dee and tweedle dum with her. YAY....
"Hey," i say.
"Hey, everything alright?" she says hinting somethings wrong.
"It's just Dan, he's just i don't know he keeps avoiding me and i don't know why?" i say rubbing my hands on my face.
"Maybe it has something to do with what gossip girl posted," she said.
"Yer the one about you have sex with Chuck," Tweedle dee said. Blair nudges her. "What?"
"But why would he be avoiding me about that? Does he like hate Chuck or something?" I say confused.
"Or maybe he likes you and you kind of broke his heart," Blair says shrugging. I never thought that. It kind of makes sense but i don't want to go up to him and be like "hey you like me that's why your avoiding me" which i could be completely wrong about and then just completely ruin our relationship we have. Or maybe im reading to into this.
"I don't know, i'll see if i can talk to him again," i say biting into my apple.
After school i decided to walk home because i kind of needed alone time. As much as I appreaciated Blair offering to drive me home and nicely declined. I just needed to get my head around this whole situation. As i was lost in my thoughts i accidently bumped into someone.
"Oh hey sor-" I said as I looked up and saw Chuck. "Actually I'm not sorry," i say as i push past him.
"Hey wait, i didn't tell gossip girl anything," he said.
"Oh so she just happened to know you were in my house," i say.
"Hey i don't know, nobody knows how she or he does it but they just find out it," he says.
"Look if this was a way for you to get back at me for rejecting you then fine haha real funny just leave me alone," i says raising my voice a little which caught some peoples attention.
"I'm sorry okay, let's just pretend like any of this ever happened and start fresh?" he said slowly showing a smile.
"No thank you and nothing ever happened between us and there never will be," I said storming down the stairs and walking out the gate. I was so mad. So angry that i could punch something. I was walking home, a car pulled up next to me.
""Hey do you want a ride, this is kind of my way for saying sorry," I look up excepting it to be chuck but it was Dan. I smiled and hopped in to car.
"I seriously am sorry," he said. "I was a complete jerk only because when i heard about you and Chuck i was so mad that i just couldn't believe you would have done it with him and i just couldn't be around you but then i overheard you saying that nothing happened between you guys so it kind of made me feel bad,"
"Trust me i understand and Dan i hope this doesn't make anything awkward but you don't like me do you?" i said hoping he would say no.
"What no god, im into Serena not you sorry...oh thats why you thought i was acting like that," he said.
"Sorry it's just that i haven't even been here long and i've already made enemys and hooked up with some guy i hardly know," I said. Dan pulled the car over. I looked at him confused.
"Wait so the rumor was true omg i can't believe it," he said.
"Wooh i didn't have sex with Chuck! I only made out with him," i said.
"Only made out with him, come on Chloe you knew he was bad trouble the moment you invited him into your place," he said. I didn't like where this conversation was going.
"Hey in my defence he was acting really sweet and nice, a side that you haven't seen," i said.
"Well sorry to break you little heart but that side of him he uses it to get into girls pants and then you wake up in the morning to see that he is gone and he doesn't call back or actknowledges you," he say getting defences. "Trust me he does it with every girl he every dated," I sit back in the car seat.
"I'm such an idoit, im so pathetic," i say starting to cry.
"Oh crap no your not, omg he's just some guy, you'll find the right guy some day," he says with a smile. He pulls out into the lane and drives me home.

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