Chapter 3

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Chloe POV

Okay I can do this. All I have to do is turn the doorknob and I'll either make a good first impression or I won't make an impression at all. I slowly grab the doorknob and turn it. I walk in and everybody turns around and looks at me.

"Hello there, you must be the new student, umm is it Chloe," Says a tall old man. 
"Umm Yer I'm Chloe," I say awkwardly. 
"Well, hello there I'm Mr. Stevenson or if you want you can call me Mr. S," He says with a laugh.

Was that supposed to be a joke? I smile at him to act like a got it. 
"Why don't you go take a seat?" he ask. 
I nod my head in approval. I look around the class to see two spare seats. One in the middle next to the guy i met early...Dan i think his name was or a seat at the back next to the so-called "Queen Bee" of the school. I started to walk to the seat next to Dan when I here someone call my name. I look up to see Blair motioning for me to sit next to her. I slowly walk next to her and sit down.

"Hello, I'm Blair but I'm assuming you already know who doesn't know me hah," she says. 
"I'm Chloe...." i say not making eye contact with her. 
"Pretty name, now I know your new and all but I've decided that I want us to become friends, which I never do to newbies but there’s something about you that I like," she says.

I'm kind of shocked because before when I asked her a question she didn't seem to happy.
"Umm I don’t know, i think I can make my own friends," I say which makes her a little angry.
"Excuse me, if i asked one of these other girls if they wanted to be my friend they would no not even think about it, they would just straight away say yes.....I knew you were different from the rest but sweetie if you want to survive in a school like this you have to have friends who you can trust and that trust you I would re-think your answer," she says. I can't tell if she's being mean or is just trying to help. Hmm. She is technically the first official friend I've made. It can't be that bad to be her friend, even though I was warned about her from the pretty blonde girl and she said not for me to get on her bad side.

"Okay, sure we can be friends, but unless you treat me like a normal friend not one that you can boss around," i say with a grin. 
"Why do you think I would boss you around, I'm nice," she says with a huge smile. 
"I saw you in the hall before with your friends and you were basically telling them want to do and I don't want to be treated like that," i say. I thought she would of been angry about what I had just said but when i looked at her she had a huge smile on her face. 
"Why are you smiling?" I asked. 
"Well, its just that my other friends aren't as confident as you and that they are too scared to say something like that to me, well everybody is to afraid to say that to me," she said. I give her a half smile.


"So where do you eat?" I ask. 
"Well, there are these stairs I always sit at," she said as we approach her other friends.
"Who's this?" these two girls say as the give me a evil-ish look.
"Oh, she must be lost...the newbies go over there sweetie," one of them say as the laugh loudly.
"That was rude, and she’s with me.....she's my new friend," she snarls at them.
I try to hold my laughter. I don't make eye contact with them or even talk to them as we are walking. 
"Ohhh Blair...excuse me...Blair, wait up," I turn around to see the same young blond girl before who was helping me. When she got closer she looked at me with a shocked face. 
"Jenny your early, i said to meet at the stairs with my food..which i presume you have?" she looks at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Uhh.. Yer i have it right here," she hands over the food to Blair.
"Umm... by the way who's this," she says as she doesn't look at me. Hmm I'm really confused about Jenny. Before, the way she talked about Blair I assumed she didn't like her and now she's pretending like we haven't even met.... 
"I'm Chloe, but don't you remember me? You helped me find the office?" i say as nicely as i could.
"Oh yer I remember, sorry its been a bit of a busy day," she says.
"It can't of been that busy if you got here early?" i said. I could tell she was getting annoyed. I didn't mean to sound bad but it just came out. 
"Whatever lets go now," Blair says. I literally have to think before i speak. Sometimes words just flow out of my mouth and i only realize what I have said after its out. In order for me to keep a good impression i have to keep quite and not let my thoughts come out.

Hello...I hope you guys enjoy this. If you do please tell me because if not then i might stop doing this story but if you do i will be able to update it more frequently because i go on holidays in like 2 weeks so please give me some sort of feedback xx

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