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"Enya lurks in the woods, wandering the hills and valleys, searching for the child it lost when it once walked amongst the living." He whispered. The flames of the fire illuminated his face, casting an eerie glow upon his cheeks.

He took a breath and continued, "It's all black with white glowing eyes and long black hair. There are long talons that hang from its hands, dragging along the ground. Scraaapppeee!  Scraaapppeee! Is the sound Enya's talons make as they drag along the ground and rocks." He smiled, looking around at the campers. He knew they were growing frightened.

"They say that on this very night, it's the most active; the most aggressive. Searching every nook and cranny. Searching every cabin! It won't stop there, no. Enya won't stop until it has taken a camper, for it's lonely out in those woods. It needs company." He leaned closer to the fire, swallowing, pretending to be frightened. He looked over his shoulder.

"Did you hear that? Enya?" He asked, panicked. The campers looked around, whispered to one another.


Yelled one of the camp counselors jump up from behind a group of campers, grabbing their shoulders. The campers screamed, some cried. Nevertheless, the counselors had succeeded in scaring their campers.

The camp counselor who had told the story, Todd, was laughing. "Did you guys really believe that story?"

The campers nodded, shaking like leaves. Todd shook his head in disapproval. How could they be so naive?

"Well," Todd sighed, putting out the fire with a nearby water bottle, "let's call it a night. And no more ghost stories, since you guys obviously can't handle them."

A series of groans erupted from the group at his words, but they obeyed him. 

One of the campers, Jessica, hadn't been frightened by the story. What kind of ghost searches for children, anyway? Jessica laughed to herself as she walked to her cabin with her friends. There was no way that the story was real.

The group of kids got dressed in their pajamas and called it a night, settling into bed and turning off the lights.

It wasn't pitch black in the cabin, as the moon was full and bright outside and there was a window right by Jessica's window. This was made Jessica chuckled to herself. Todd just had to tell a scary story on the night of a full moon; how cliche. 

About half an hour passed, and Jessica couldn't fall asleep. The rest of her friends were dead to the world, slumbering in their beds. 

For some odd reason, in the back of her mind, she keep remembering the story. "Searching every cabin! It won't stop there, no. Enya won't stop until it has taken a camper, for it's lonely out in those woods. It needs company."  Why was Jessica thinking about this? She didn't even believe Todd. It was just childish humor. Right?

Jessica watched as a cloud passed in front of the moon. The room grew dark, and Jessica's heart began to race. Jessica was never really afraid of the dark, but now, thinking about that story, something made her afraid.

Off in the distance, she heard the rustling of branches. "What is that?" She muttered, panic entering her mind. 

She sat up in her bed, looking out the window. A bush sat out in front of her cabin. She could see the bush rustling. Something was there.

Jessica clutched her blanket in her hand, looking around her room to see if anyone else noticed. When she looked back at the window, she let out a blood-curdling scream.

A pitch blank face with pearl white eyes and black hair was right outside of the window. It was... smiling. Its teeth were white and pointed. Black goo poured out of its mouth. 

When the camp counselors got to her room, the face was gone. She had no evidence to prove herself.  No one believed her.

Todd scoffed when he heard her story. "It was just a story, Jess. Get over it."

Jessica cried at her words as the other counselors tried to console her. As they did, Jessica took one last look out the window and saw what filled her with dread.

Enya, sitting behind the bush. It was waving to her, the same smile on it's grotesque face.

To be continued.

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