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[ Emily👸🏽 to tom💫 ]

Kiara said you're home..?

yeah, i just got home. i gotta get all comfy, hang on.

Sorry, I don't mean to be clingy

it's alright
you being clingy is cute

That's the second time you've called me cute
How am I supposed to react to that?

freak out, dude.
that's the only way.


i think i'm ready
i need to work on shit while we talk, is that okay?

Of course :)

perfect. call incoming !

emily panicked as her finger hovered over the facetime button. did she look alright? maybe the messy bun was a mistake. and the shorts. and the baggy sweater. why was she doubting her appearance now?

she shook her head and called tom, setting up the phone so she could go hands-free. she figured she'd talk to him for a bit then continue unpacking her room.

"hey!" tom exclaimed, setting his phone up as well.

"hey, how are you?" emily questions as she rests her head on her palms, her elbows stuck into her desk.

"i'm alright," tom chuckles. "how was school?"

"boring," emily sighed, distracting herself from her nerves by reorganizing her vanity, cleaning up the makeup that was spilled across it. "but i don't have much for work."

"what do you have?" tom asks, cracking his knuckles anxiously.

"just have to answer a short answer question my professor emails to us all," she shrugs.

"sounds fun," tom sarcastically replies. "i'd offer my assistance but i'm useless." emily laughed at this, thanking him anyways. "what do you go to uni for?"

"mass, or multi, media," emily responds. "i'd like to be a journalist, or a photographer, or own a radio show."

"that sounds sick," tom replies, being genuine with his response. she had a smooth voice that was very relaxing, so he could see her hosting a radio station.

"but like, i took a few classes i don't really need this semester because i don't feel like just sitting at home all day," emily explains, "so my days end up more stressful than necessary."

"i'm sorry about that," tom responds, frowning.

"it's okay," emily replies with a grin. "how was your day?"

"pretty boring as well," tom replies. "i ended up going out when kiara showed up."

"did my text scare you about third wheeling?" emily chuckled, feeling a bit guilty.

"no, i knew what i was getting into as soon as you hinted that you couldn't hang out with us," he responds.

"where'd you sneak off to then?" emily questions, settling her brushes into a new place.

"a coffee shop," tom sighs. "i hung out there for an hour, went to the movies, then went back to our villa."

"kiara was gone by the time you returned?" emily asked, just trying to keep a conversation going.

"oh, yeah," he replies. "i was a bit surprised, not gonna lie."

"i am too," emily giggles. she quits fidgeting with her brushes and stares at tom, who seemed focused on something she couldn't see that was outside of the call. tom suddenly laughed, emily's bright smile appearing. he was cackling pretty hard. "are you okay?" she questions.

tom grabs his phone, trying his best to not drop it as he was in hysterics. "harrison... hit his... head... on the... door," tom spoke through cackles. "are you alright, dude?" he shouted, the background changing as he walked.

"that fucking hurt like a bitch," harrison cursed under his breath.

"be a gentleman, i'm talking to emily," tom scolds like a child. harrison hops into the camera's view, holding his forehead and smiling wide.

"hello, emily," he greets.

"hey, harrison," she giggles. "you should put some ice on that before it swells. don't want an odd, lumpy-shaped head, do you?" harrison runs off, out of frame once more, leaving emily and tom to finish up their laughter.

"i see boxes behind you," tom finally speaks after a moment too long of silence.

"oh, yeah," emily says, a bit flustered. she glances behind her, moving out of the way to show off the beautiful brown cardboard cubes. "i'm still unpacking."

"you just move?" he questions, the background stilling as he sat on a chair.

"yeah," emily sighs, resting her cheek on her knee as it folded into her chest. "that's also part of my long, very personal story."

"we're staying up until three in the morning," tom informs her. "we need to chat it up so i can finally know you and learn about this long, very personal story you keep mentioning."

"unfortunately, i need my beauty sleep," emily giggles. "but i can stay up until midnight, maybe even one if you're lucky."

"okay, so start telling me your life story," tom insists, setting up his phone and sitting comfortably. emily smiles, hiding a blush. jason never cared this much to get to know her, she wasn't used to this kind of treatment.

"what about your life story?" emily teases.

"this isn't gonna be our only facetime, emily," tom responds sassily. "now, seriously, tell me everything i need to know about you."

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