twenty three

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her heart thrashed against her rib cage. would he scold her for her post? would he skip the bullshit and do her right on the countertop? she was nervous as hell and couldn't calm anything in her body.

as she slowly crept into the kitchen, her eyes caught tom's stressed position. he was leant on his arms, the heels of his hands pressed into the granite, head bent low. he was fully clothed, which comforted emily in a weird way. but as soon as his eyes shifted to meet hers, her heart dropped.

upon meeting her eyes, tom stood up straight. he gave a smile, stuffing his hands in his jean pockets. "ready to go out?"

emily stood, dumbfounded, yet gave a small nod. she gulped, turning around to get changed in the room she had been borrowing. would he just ignore what happened? or would he address it in public? who knows.

❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

emily's eyes never met tom's throughout the duration of their tour of london. it was frustrating tom, and as a result, he told kiara and harrison to run ahead and find them a table at the nando's that was nearest them.

as soon as the two split from the group, emily turned her eyes to watch them. "hey, where are they-" tom grabbed her wrist before she could chase after them, giving emily goosebumps. she gulped and turned, making eye contact with tom for the first time since earlier at his apartment.

"we really need to talk," he huffs. emily's heart began to race, her face practically begging him not to. he noticed this but shook his head at her, as if saying it was important and would not be pushed farther back. "okay, if you're ignoring me because of what happened this morning-"

"i have no idea as to what you're talking about," emily interjected, hoping the people staring would return to their own lives and that tom would just drop it. but he didn't, and neither did their growing audience.

"i didn't mean to... i'm just so used to being able to walk around in my boxers," he whispers. "i forgot you were there, and i'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable or something." emily giggled to herself, thinking about how 'uncomfortable' she was and how she couldn't stop shifting on the couch afterward.

"okay, now it's my turn to explain," she sighs. "yes, i posted that picture in spite of you. but the majority of me wanted to post it as a way of showing people how i've changed. i've been working out for awhile and eating healthier than... before. and i quit doing something very dangerous." tom listened to her intently, now understanding how he had only given her the push to post the scandalous pic. "but now people think i'm this slut who still has her addiction problem."

"you are nothing close to a slut... but addiction problem?" tom questioned. emily's eyes shut, her fists clenched. she wanted to wait a bit longer before telling tom of her ashamed past.

"i used," she mumbled, "a lot. and drank vodka like it was water. it wasn't good." tom's face softened, his brown eyes melting almost. emily offered a small smile, explaining how she was better now all thanks to kiara.

"dude i wouldn't even be able to tell you used," tom spoke. "you look nothing of the sort." emily blushed, thanking him. "seriously, there is no sign that you used. i'm so confused." emily chuckled, catching the light of a flash go off only inches beside her and tom.

"we should go," she whispers. "people are taking pictures."

"i don't mind," tom shrugs, but leads emily to where their friends wandered off to.

"there's pictures going around all over twitter!" kiara exclaimed as soon as emily approached closer. "what were you two doing?"

"we're good now," emily responds with a bright smile. she gives kiara a look as she deadpans, "and tom knows now." kiara's eyes widened, turning them toward tom.

"how long has it been since you last used?" tom asked emily quietly, breaking eye contact with kiara, who still seemed so shocked.

"nearly six months, i think?" emily responds, not paying any mind to kiara as her eyes were glued on the menu.

"well, i'm proud of you," tom replied softly, turning to his own menu. emily smiled to herself, catching a glimpse of tom, who was concentrated on the written food items.

"thank you, tommy." tom felt his heart stop, but wouldn't let anyone else be aware of that. emily's palms sweat as she realized what she'd called him.

"can i know, too?" harrison questions, breaking the silence and the tension.

"no," kiara and tom both sternly responded. emily laughed at them, then told harrison that she would inform him later. tom was the only person she worried about, feeling as if he'd judge her hard and kick her out of his apartment, maybe not even wanting to see or talk to her ever again. she was thankful with how understanding he was.

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