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[ ems👼🏻 to ki🌻 ]

are you two coming over today?

um, if it's alright, we kinda want a day to ourselves...

no, i get it, it's totally fine
tom's gonna take me to the airport to ask about my bag

still haven't gotten it yet??

and i always get put on hold when i call, so tom suggested we just go there and talk, face to face.

okay, good luck !!
text me if you need me

will do :)

❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

after singing several disney songs, they finally arrived back at the airport. emily sighed, agitated, as they stepped inside. they walked over to the desk where people reported lost bags and were slightly surprised they did not have to wait in any sort of line.

"hi, i'm emily knight, i was here four days ago and reported my bag as lost," emily spoke to the older lady behind the counter. she didn't seem too pleased to actually have to work.

"you still haven't found it yet?" she questions, her voice not changing tones in the slightest.

"no, that's why i'm here," emily responds, about to bust someone's head open. she just wanted her goddamn luggage so she could finally be at ease and not have to be losing sleep over lost valuables.

tom put a hand on her shoulder and informed her he would take it from here so they weren't at risk of her getting arrested for hitting an employee or awaiting passenger. "she's been calling every moment she finds necessary and they just put her on hold. is there any way you could check if her bag was found?" the woman rolled her eyes and stepped into a room that was located behind the wall that was beside the counter.

"thank you," emily whispered to tom as he turned to her. he shook his head, as if it wasn't a big deal, and told her to just breathe and unclench her fists.

"you said emily knight, right?" the woman asked, tom spinning around. emily looked around him and smiled from ear to ear.

"that's my bag!" she shrieked, jumping beside tom to reach for it.

"there is a small fee to pay since you didn't come pick it up when it was registered as found," the woman announced, her voice still ceasing to find a change in tone. she seemed like a bland person outside of work.

"what??" emily exclaimed. "first, you guys lost my bag, then you guys didn't call me, even after i left my number and description of my bag, once it was found - now you want me to pay for not knowing my bag was here?"

tom shushed her, reaching into his pocket. "how much?" he questions, flicking through his wallet to find the said amount. he smiled at the woman while handing the money to her and gently took the bag from her hands. "thank you," he spoke, handing the bag to emily and leading her out of the airport.

"how are you so fucking calm when dumb ass people are so fucking stupid?" emily exclaimed once they were in the car.

"you need to calm down," tom chuckled, waiting for her to get buckled before he drove off. "life is just dumb sometimes. you gotta roll with the punches."

emily stared at tom, dumbfounded. tom smiled at her as he caught a glimpse of her face while he was trying to back out of his parking space, asking what was making her look like that.

"there is literally not a single flaw in or on thomas stanley holland," she spoke, "and i'm kind of pissed."

"i do have some flaws," tom chuckles. "just try not to show them in public, as the paparazzi will nab that up and put a twist on it."

"any publicity is good publicity," emily huffs, not understanding from personal experience but from others. she was upset that tom, the sweetest person in the whole world, had to deal with headasses like egotistical paparazzi.

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