Chapter 2

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For many months Liam has been looking for Eclipse ever since she disappeared before the war started he was very worried and tried many times to use his power of clairvoyance to search for her until he got a headache, however he found nothing and Eggman's army was not making his search any easier either as the last resort Liam decided to join the resistance in hopes of finding her while eliminating the threat of all Mobius at the sametime.

"Eggman's army is unstoppable," Vector said as he walked through the resistance base door looking tired and defeated

"Without Sonic the people are losing hope and giving into despair" he continued

"Despair is a luxury we don't have" Silver commented not losing hope

"I still dream sonic is still with us. Do you think he might be—" before Amy could finish her sentence Sliver interrupted

"I'm an optimist, but I'm also a realist. Sonic is gone, Amy. And Tails is... Tails has just lost it." Reminding everyone of their loss

"If we're going to win we have to do it without them," Silver said knowing that they can do it without depending on others.

"Silver is right." Espio agreed

"We've been hoping for a miracle these past six months, but I'm afraid we have to make our own miracle"

"Eggman's army has everyone running scared, but if we want people to rally. We must show them that strength doesn't come from numbers" Silver preached

"You know, not everyone is terrified. Isn't a new recruit joining us today?" Charmy interrupted changing the subject

"Hey, don't change the subject"

"I'm accessing the file now," Amy said continuing to change to subject, the big screen in the base showed Liam's profile.

"I'm accessing the file now," Amy said continuing to change to subject, the big screen in the base showed Liam's profile

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Name: Liam

Creature: wolf

Type: white wolf

Fur: white and gray

Eye color: sky blue

Wears: nothing but what the picture shows

Power: clairvoyance, when activated a pulse spreads

"Whoa, he has the same power I do," Sliver said surprised as he read the file

"Not really Sliver, it says Liam can do much more with his mind. Huh? Doesn't say any specifics" Amy corrected

"Happy to see you're all still alive" Knuckles says as he walks through the base door,

"Eggman's forces have chewed through our defenses at Green Hills," knuckles say giving them the update

"And the resistance in the city is reporting that whatever it is that finished Sonic... sorry, I'll never get used to saying that" as everyone looked gloomy when he mentioned Sonic

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