Chapter 10- the final chapter

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A few weeks later

After defeating Eggman and his army Sonic and his friends along with Liam and Eclipse helped clean up the aftermath of the war all of them went back to their normal life afterwards with Sonic and his friends hanging out whenever they can, Shadow and Rouge with Omega completing missions for GUN, while Liam assigning missions GUN couldn't do or too difficult. However, Eclipse, on the other hand, hasn't been feeling so well this past couple of weeks, that sometimes she would need to take trips to the bathroom or be forced to stay home. Liam grew concerned about Eclipse's health.

Eclipse's POV

(Where Liam and Eclipse live)

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(Where Liam and Eclipse live)

I was in the bathroom puking my guts out for the third time today. This is getting ridiculous;

"Eclipse are you okay?" Liam asks outside the bathroom

"I'm fine" I put down the toilet seat after I finished puking then rinsed my mouth in the sink and washed my face. I took a deep breath and opened the door

"Are you sure, you're fine" Liam persists and held my shoulders in comfort when he did I saw his eye widen and quickly let go. I frown my eyebrows in confusion

"What?" I ask Liam shook his head like he can't believe something

"What happened to you, when you were captured? I know the full moon was present during that time but, what did you do?" Liam asked me, I turned away I don't want to tell him. I wasn't myself the first time but, the second time was different I felt everything and enjoyed it, so I lied.

"I don't know, you know I can't remember what happens when I'm in that state," I think Liam could tell I was lying because he folded his arms the narrowed his I eyes at me. I avoided his gaze looking at everything else but, Liam

"Tell me, Eclipse" Liam ordered

"I told you, I don't know!" I shouted still lying, Liam sighed and unfolded his arms, he pulled me into a hug

"You have to tell me sooner or later, Eclipse, because you're pregnant" he whispered when he said that my eyes became saucers. 'What!'. To Be Continued   


I'm am currently making the second part of this story I just wanted to publish this to have at least one complete story that I hope everyone will like, It took me I think a week to write this and I love writing it. Thank you and I hope anyone reading this liked it as well. Sorry, I don't know how to publish a whole story.     

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