Chapter 9

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Still, in Eggman's fortress, the other Sonic and Tails went to investigate the signal of the Phantom Ruby underground that was moving and went through the central tower entrance to stop him before he could do something as well as with the help of Liam and Sonic inside the tower they destroyed the Ruby and escaped. However, the battle wasn't over yet.

"We did it Eggman's army is officially butt kicked. We won!" Sonic celebrated, however, suddenly the ground began to shake throwing everyone off balance.

"Oh, come on! Now what? Can we ever just win and have that the end of it?" he complained

"Look!" Tails pointed behind Sonic where a giant robot appeared crawling to where they were

"Gotcha! The fortress reactor was just a decoy. A true winner always keeps his trump card hidden until the end" Eggman said inside the robot, on Tails' communicator Vector called

"Sonic, what going on? There aren't less enemies! There's MORE"

"How can there be so many?" Amy said explained

"Confirmed sighting indicate Shadow, Metal Sonic, Zavok, Chaos, and Infinite... Thousands of them!" said Rouge confirming what they were saying were true

"What have you done?" Sonic asked concerned for his friends

"Mwa-hahaha! I merely incorporated the Phantom Ruby into this Death Egg Robot" Eggman explained

"But that means the Phantom Ruby no longer has a vulnerable energy supply. It's an invulnerable ruby?" Tails pointed out

"A good deduction, Tails" Eggman complimented

"This Death Egg Robot has... No, I have suppressed Infinite to become the complete and ultimate form. You will be crushed by this Death Egg Robot powered by the Phantom Ruby, and in the end, everything will still be just as I planned!" then Eggman activated the Ruby's power altering reality

"Your plan will end like all your plans do: with you sitting in a pile of busted robot parts wondering how you failed so badly," Sonic said stating the obvious while he was talking the other Sonic and Liam stepped forward prepared to fight

"Let's get him," Sonic said and engaged in battle with the other Sonic and Liam to defeat Eggman. During the battle when they destroyed the outer layer of the Death Egg Robot a white robot came out of its core and charged at them, before it could attack Eclipse appeared in front of Sonic, Liam, and the other Sonic.

"What are doing?" Liam asked fearing for her safety

"What I started" Eclipse answered and used her power to make the gravity heavy around the white robot making it fall to the ground by its own weight

"Huh, what's going on! No!" Eggman said inside to robot, Eclipse continued to put pressure on the robot making dents here and there around the robot, however, Eggman started to use the Phantom Ruby's power to break free.

"Hurry, I can't hold this thing for long" Eclipse said struggling to keep the robot at bay, Sonic nodded at the other Sonic and Liam and did a triple boost running through the robot's core, destroying the Death Egg Robot. Finally, the battle was over all the clones disappeared along with Eggman's plans

"Alright we won," Knuckles said in victory as the resistance cheered behind him, the world was back at peace, however, the other Sonic had to go as he was beginning to disappear to his own world

"I guess this is good-bye. Get home safely, Sonic. And thanks for everything" Tails said sadly shaking his hand. Behind Tails, Sonic and his friends waved at him saying goodbye as the other Sonic continued to disappear.

"Cheer up, Tails. I'm sure we will run into him again" Sonic said trying to comfort him as the other Sonic vanished. Sonic turned around to his friends and to Liam and Eclipse

"Alright, guys! It's time we cleaned up this mess that Eggman left this world in, and I'm not talking about those illusions he dreamed up for us! We need to fix the real world we all live in." Sonic encouraged

"C'mon, let's go!" and everyone agreed with him to clean up their home.

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