Chapter 5

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Third POV

The resistance had destroyed the weapons factory so, now Eggman can't make any new weapons or have any to spare with the help of Sonic and Liam. And while in the Mystic Jungle, Silver and Infinite were in the mists of battling each other. Sonic was on his way to help his way to him.

"This wasn't on my agenda, but I'm always happy to crush a hero," Infinite said taunting Silver

"It keeps the rabble in line. Shows them that there is no hope"

"Does anyone, but you believe in your lies?" Silver said not affected at all by his taunting, Infinite charged at Silver, but he dodged Infinite then flew around Silver while he chased after him while in battle. During the fighting Infinite dropped something and hit Silver to a wall, then to the floor.

"Seeing is believing," Infinite said calling Silver's speech a hoax before Infinite could finish off Silver, Sonic came in right on time knocking him off course

"Time to tag out, Silver! I got it from here!" Sonic said saving his friend

"Well, look who's back from the dead. The little blue savior" Infinite said greeting Sonic

"But what's that I smell? You reek of fear. Glad to see I left an impression" Sonic smelled himself to see if it were true

"That's not fear. I ran all the way over here. And you haven't left an impression. I don't know anything about you! Not even your name"

"You may call me 'Infinite' in the brief moments that remain to you" Infinite said introducing himself

"Great! See, Infinite, now we're getting to know each other. So, what's your favorite color? Do you like long, romantic walks on the beach? What's the source of your power?" Sonic asked trying to know the secret to Infinite's power.

"You can skip the first two questions if you like"

"The source of my power is none of your concern" Infinite said knowing what Sonic was planning

"Sorry, but you've just GOT to share the secret of your power with me. I insist" Sonic persisted and charged at Infinite

"Your insistence is futile" Infinite said activating his power, making everything red and disorientated, suddenly Sonic and Silver were floating in the air not knowing what was causing it

"Sonic you okay," Silver asked in concern as they were floating, Sonic was then knocked away from Silver before he could answer with Infinite not far behind ready to battle Sonic one more time.

"It seems you have improved from your previous data" Infinite praised after the battle with Sonic being victorious

"As you can see Infinite, unlike mechs, I can grow. I get more powerful every second"

"I will teach you to hold your tongue next time we meet. You can count on it" Infinite used his power coming from a small ball spreading it throughout the area causing everything to be disorientated again and throw plasma balls at Sonic first two he dodged but the third he wasn't able to and was hit by it knocking him to the ground.

"As I predicted. You're not even worth the effort to finish off" Infinite said taunting Sonic with the last victory before leaving to see how Eclipse was doing from where he left her. Leaving Sonic to question what the secret to his power is.

With Eclipse

Eclipse's POV

All day I was looking out the window of the small room I was in, 'I must have been hungry, how long has it been since the last time I feed' I wondered as my vampiric-self basically drained Infinite the other day. 'I think it has been 4 years since I drunk blood, right? but why now I never had a problem before?' I thought as I continued to look to out the window and saw that it was a full moon. My eyes widened as I knew straight away why I lost control, I need to get out of here quickly I opened the window again and started to sing my warning hoping anyone would hear it and come to get me.

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