Chapter 8

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With the resistance being victorious once again Knuckles, the commander decides to attack Eggman's fortress in the Imperial tower to stop him once and for all, finally bring peace to the world, not knowing what's in store for them. On the battlefield, the resistance faces off with Eggman's army hoping to bring peace to their home once more.

"Let's go!" Knuckles said signaling the troops to charge at the enemy, while Sonic and his friends charged at Infinite along with Liam

"Where is she Infinite!?"

"ha-ha, I will never tell you" Infinite chuckled

"I've been looking forward to finishing you and your annoying friends!" Then he activated his power making everything disorientated with a red sphere around himself causing Liam, Sonic, Amy, Vector, Charmy, Tails, Silver, Shadow, the other Sonic, Espio, and Rouge to be sent flying away from Infinite

"I trust you're already for oblivion?" Infinite asked tauntingly

"If you're not... oh well," he said tilting his head a little when suddenly lasers came out of nowhere startling Infinite but blocked the attack. Then Omega came to the battlefield ready for revenge against Infinite for defeating him last time

"What!? How dares!?" Infinite says startled

"Target reconfirmed. Extermination mode initiated. Payback INEVITABLE" Omega said ready for payback

"Is there no end to these annoying insects?" Infinite says frustrated

"I will burn your resistance to ashes, and you along with it!" then Infinite sends a light sphere to the sky causing the sun to enlarge ready to crash the resistance

"Whoa, you've got to be kidding. That's special effects, right?" Knuckles says looking up at the sky seeing the sun about to crash them.

"No, it's not! While we're under the Phantom Ruby's control, it's a part of our reality!" Tails explained

"Unbelievable what chance do we have against that?" Espio said, then Eggman came flying to Sonic and his friends

"The sun will fall upon you all. BOOM! THE END! Your pathetic lives are over" Eggman said overjoyed that he will finally win against Sonic

Meanwhile with Eclipse

Eclipse's POV

I woke up to noises coming outside, when I opened my eyes and stretched as my wrist and ankle cuffs were still off with pain on my lower body causing me to yelp then I rubbed my eyes getting rid of the tiredness and got up using the blanket to cover my body and walked to the window opening it to check what the noise outside.

I woke up to noises coming outside, when I opened my eyes and stretched as my wrist and ankle cuffs were still off with pain on my lower body causing me to yelp then I rubbed my eyes getting rid of the tiredness and got up using the blanket to cov...

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When I looked outside I saw a battle going on, many Mobians fighting against copies of a water type creature, a metal version of a blue hedgehog, a strange red creature, and Shadow (since Eclipse works for GUN she knows every agent). As I kept looking at the battlefield I saw Infinite watching as a group of people charged towards him Shadow being among them. I looked closer and saw Liam in the group glaring at Infinite yelling something. I was too far to listen to what they were saying, after awhile Infinite sent a light sphere to the sky suddenly the sphere became the sun slowly coming down to the group of people. 'Oh no, Liam' I thought worried about his safety, I saw a yellow and white two-tailed fox approach Liam as something in his hand glowed Liam then gave the two-tailed fox the object making it stop glowing until he gave it back to him. Liam started to run towards the tower I was in with determination, I went back inside and put on my clothes that were scattered across the floor then went to the window again and started to climb out, when Liam was right below me I jumped down timing it just right and used my power to increase my fall.

"Liam!" I screamed Liam's name making him skid to a stop right on my fall path and looked around to see where the sound came from, then I just when I was about to land Liam looked up at me and smiled upon seeing me and so did I, we reached for each other into a hug. Liam spun me around by the impact holding me close not wanting to let me go.

"I finally found, my little girl" Liam cried I myself had tears in my eyes finally being able to see the person who raised me.

"Will you help me, Eclipse? Before we go" I nodded my head wiping my tears away, then we both speed off together to the top of the tower where we met with Infinite. He was surprised to see me with Liam, then looked at him with anger clenching his fists. Before I could do anything Infinite came behind me and whispered in my ear

"You will always be mine" and touched to my neck where the mark he left me was located, then pushed me off the tower.

"Eclipse!" I heard Liam say as I fell, if I was afraid this would be a problem, fortunately, I'm not and used my powers to turn the gravity around me off making me float to the ground safely and was greeted with a blue hedgehog.

"You must be, Eclipse, right?" he asked, I nodded my head

"I'm Sonic, now let's get you away from here" before I could protest Sonic picked me up and ran away from the tower to the battlefield with his friends, I looked back concerned about Liam being with Infinite, but I had to help these people in this. It was my mission in the first place.

Infinite's POV

After I pushed Eclipse off the tower, so she wouldn't interfere with our unfinished business. Liam faced me with determination 'good the more he hopes he has the more I could crash it into despair' I thought

"Make peace with your fate, because your lives are now over!" trying to make him lose all hope

"Never!" Liam yelled I then rushed towards him to strike, but he dodged passed me and rushed at the sun jumping into it, after a few moments the sun grew brighter ready to strike, I grinned under my mask 'finally that pest is done for, and I will have Eclipse all to myself', but then it disappeared. 'What!?' The resistance cheered as the sun disappeared, 'Grr' I grew angrier as my plan failed. I saw Liam float down and collapse dropping something that looks like a Phantom Ruby prototype but, it was crushed before I could tell, 'that's impossible' and I grabbed Liam by the throat choking him but he had no expression like he couldn't feel pain then he used his power to throw me off him releasing me hold as he kneeled down to the ground. Eggman flew towards the tower to see what was going on

"Impossible! I thought all the prototypes were destroyed" Eggman grew just as frustrated as I was

"A costly oversight, Doctor. Therefore, I always check and double check as any good scientist would" Tails noted flying up to the tower and helped Liam stand as he dusted himself off, the resistance continued their assault on the tower. And Sonic rushed straight for me, 'good I was ready, they think that now I'm will back down, never'

"Pathetic little hedgehog. Even with the Phantom Ruby weakened, I still have enough power to smash you into blue jelly. I'll show you how outclassed you really are!"

"I'm in a class all my own! Time to put up or shut up Infinite!" Sonic countered as he charged for me into battle. After a while of fighting the Phantom Ruby recharged regaining my power

"You're done for, Sonic. The Phantom Ruby's energy is recharged" and I activated my power

"Perish, along with your useless friends!" however, Liam distorted my mind making me dizzy for a while, I turned to him furious

"You!" as he came to help Sonic

"My friends got me this far, and together we're gonna win!" I gritted my teeth and charged at them to continue our battle. Working together Sonic and Liam double boosted towards me and knocked me to the ground. 'this is impossible, I cannot lose! Not like this' I started to glitch out as my power was being taken from me.

"Impossible, I cannot be defeated"

"Wrong loser! The things that can't be defeated are the heart, soul, and the bonds of friendship. Three things you and your counterfeit cronies lack!" Sonic pointed out I smashed the ground not wanting to give up, wanting to be with Eclipse again but my power continued to drain taking me with it.

"No, wait! I can still fight!" I pleaded as my body was being pulled into to the tower.

Third POV

Eggman appeared before Liam and Sonic on his aircraft congratulating them on defeating Infinite.

"You never fail to surprise me Sonic. I didn't believe Infinite could lose"

"Victory will be so much sweeter when I defeat you," Eggman said with confidence that he will be the one defeat Sonic

"Don't think this is over yet, you blue nuisance. My plan just went into overtime!"

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