Chapter 3

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With the resistance

The resistance had just received word that Sonic is indeed alive rather than dead like they originally thought. As well as finding out that he had been tortured for months in an orbiting prison in space, now a resistance squad is 'borrowing' a transport shuttle from the chemical plant to rescue Sonic, with the help of Liam. While he and the resistance squad 'borrowed' the shuttle, before they took off Liam heard singing in the distance.

'Eclipse?' he thought as he listened more

"What is that noise?" said one of the squad members, Liam just ignored them and begin to trace the singing to its location, however, the singing stopped before he could find out where she is; 'no I was so close.' The trail had stopped around the city of Metropolis that is what he knew for sure, and a few minutes later a loud screech emanating throughout the chemical plant.

"Whoa" everyone was having trouble staying on their feet,

"Liam, what's going on over there?" Knuckle questioned on Liam's communicator

"I don't know, there is this screeching sound and it's causing everything to shake" Liam lied, he knew it was Eclipse but didn't want to alarm anyone of their task; suddenly the screech stopped making everything normal once more.

"Everything's fine now," Liam said in relief, the squad was helping each other get on their feet and continue their journey to save Sonic. 'Eclipse what is happening to you' Liam wondered in worry.

Meanwhile with Tails

Tails was trying to fix Omega with no success as Chaos was sneaking towards him from behind.

"I couldn't figure it out for you, buddy. I'm sorry I wasn't smart enough." Tails said sadly that he couldn't fix him, Tails turned around to see Chaos coming towards him

"Whoa, Chaos!" Tails began to step back even though it wasn't much and begged for someone to help him

"Sonic! help me" he pleaded, suddenly a dimension portal open and Generation Sonic came running out saving Tails before he got hurt.

When nothing happened to him, Tails turned about to see Generation Sonic before him

"Sonic? You... you're alive!!" thinking it was the Sonic he knew

"Wait, what?" Tails said after realizing it was another Sonic

"Oh, you're that Sonic from the other dimension, aren't you!" the other Sonic nodded agreeing with him

"Right, right, that makes sense, I think. Do you know how you got here?" Tails asked the other Sonic, who had no idea.

"Maybe the power that Eggman is using is somehow affecting other dimensions." Tails concluded

"Which might work to our advantage, I mean, everything happens for a reason, right" Tails continued having a breakthrough

"We need to save the world, and maybe that's why you're here. To help save the world. Either way, it's still good to see you Sonic. Heck, it's good to see any Sonic!" he praised thankful that he could have a friend by his side; later both Tails and the other Sonic tried to find Eggman in hopes of finding his new acquired secret power.


Sorry this chapter is short I just realized this when I pasted the chapter from my Microsoft word 

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