Chapter 6

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The next day

With Tails and the other Sonic

The other Sonic and Tails went off to find Eggman to figure out the secret of Infinite's power in hopes of defeating him. Tails' scanner picked up Eggman's trail in Green Hills were he and other Sonic followed in pursuit destroying enemies along the way. When they found Eggman they also encountered Infinite as well, hiding behind some rocks they overheard their conversation. Infinite was holding an object in his hands like the crystal on his chest

"Infinite, where have been going these past few days?" Eggman asked as he hasn't seen him much

"It's none of your concern, Doctor" Infinite replied ignoring the question not wanting to tell Eggman about Eclipse, with his hands, he destroyed the object.

"And with that, the disposal of the Phantom Ruby prototypes is complete."

"It was a defective model. It could only record the DNA of the one that triggered it" Eggman explained

"Only a being with my strength of will could ever activate it" Eggman agreed

"It doesn't matter now, with the lab locked down in Mystic Jungle. Which reminds me, didn't you run into Sonic there, after he escaped?" Eggman asked

"Yes, but he was powerless against me. There is no need for concern"

"You let the hedgehog LIVE? That is a great source of concern" Eggman said shocked

"For you, perhaps. He has beaten you for decades, yet I defeated him in our first encounter." Infinite explained, on the sidelines Tails and the other Sonic, were watching the whole scene learning about their enemies

"Phantom Ruby prototypes? And alive?" Tails said a little too loud that Infinite turned to see what the noise was, Tails and the other Sonic quickly hid behind the rocks before he could see them.

"What is it?"

"...Nothing. We move forward with the plan?" Infinite asks trying to keep the meeting short

"Of course! When it's complete, the resistance will be erased. The world will be nothing but ashes, from which a glorious Eggman Empire will rise!" Eggman gloated 'where I can live with Eclipse in peace' Infinite thought

"And the resistance will yield to the Phantom Ruby's power. All will submit" Infinite said lying about his true intentions and started to levitate in the air then left to see Eclipse. The other Sonic jumped out of his hiding spot after Infinite left startling Eggman

"What!? You!" he said as he looked at the other Sonic, the other Sonic charged at him hitting his Egg mobile with a spin dash causing the mobile to tilt by the force

"I don't have time for this" Eggman said not in the mood to fight, then started to flee the scene with the other Sonic not too far behind ready for battle. When the battle was over with the other Sonic being victorious Eggman escaped knowing that his plan will wipe off the entire resistance sooner or later but before he escaped he gave Tails and the other Sonic a little heads up because he knew they will never be able to stop it.

"In just three short days, my plan will eliminate the bothersome lot of you!"

"Wait... three days? And what plan?" Tails repeated confused

"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise! You know what they say, the anticipation of the end is worse than the end itself. Maybe not in this case though. Mwa-hahaha!" then Eggman left to make sure his plan is ready.

Time Skip

After the battle with Infinite, Sonic and Silver were healed in the resistance base with the help of Liam, who made sure where their injuries were located. During the process of healing the resistance called Liam for help to save a town from Eggman's robots and later met up with Tails and the other Sonic in the Mystic Jungle after saving the town, where Liam found a Phantom Ruby prototype without realizing it and picked it up. After the reunion and the battle with a fake Shadow with the help of the real Shadow, they found out about Infinite's power of altering reality. While Sonic was fighting his own battles, the resistance planned an all-out assault on Metropolis calling it 'Operation Big Wave.' However, Infinite was in the city as well to see if Eclipse was asleep, he came upon the resistance in the city and decided to wipe them out before they could find her. One by one the squadrons of the resistance retreated by the hands of Infinite leaving only Liam standing. When they came across each other Liam threw glares at Infinite knowing that he has his daughter.

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