Chapter 4

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In the meantime

Back with the resistance

Sonic was being prepared to be banished into space from the Death Egg so,  the resistance had to hurry and rescue Sonic before it was too late. With the other squad members busy with enemies Liam needed to save Sonic himself before he was banished, using his powers to eliminate enemies to speeding it up the process so,  he would able to have enough time to search for Eclipse afterward.

With Sonic

"This is the end Sonic," Zavok said overjoyed to see Sonic being banished

"Oh Hey! Sounds like the party's started, wanna let me go and join in? No? Of course not. You hate fun" he roasted as the sound of banging was in the background, suddenly for a second the light went off then came back on but in red signaling, an intruder was in the premises, then Sonic's cuffs disappeared.

"The end huh? Let's see you try something now that I'm free" he said walking towards Zavok

"Foolish hedgehog. Getting out of your chains does not make you free. Now come and face the inevitable" Sonic boosted passed Zavok and stood behind him

"The only thing inevitable here is my foot kicking your butt" both Sonic and Zavok raced into battle. When Sonic Defeated Zavok he disappeared in red glitches with a weird noise along with it.

"It's that sound again?" Sonic looked around trying to find the source but couldn't find any, suddenly the ground began to shake as debris began to fall all around him

"Whoa! It's not the time for thinking. It's a time for running!" and Sonic speed off to safety. At the shuttle transport, Sonic meets Liam who was on the ground being overwhelmed by robots because he used too much of his power making him have a headache. Sonic destroyed the robots and helped Liam up

"You okay?" his asked

"Yes, I'm fine"

"Are you here to rescue me?" Sonic asked

"That is correct," Liam said nodding his head

"Can't tell you how much I appreciate it. It's been a while since I've seen a friendly face" Liam's communicator went off and Knuckles' voice can be heard

"Hey Liam, still in one piece?" he asked before Liam could reply Sonic interrupted

"Oh, sure, don't even bother to ask how I am" than Amy started screaming in the communicator overjoyed

"Sonic! I'm so glad."Knuckles took the stage once more calming Amy down

"Hold on Amy. We're all happy Sonic is alive! But he won't be for long if he doesn't get off that egg in a hurry"

"Is there an exit around here?" Sonic asked ignoring Knuckles and Amy, to overwhelmed to speck Liam pointed in the direction of the shuttle behind them and they both took off to the ship then the shuttle deported with all of them aboard.

Meanwhile with Eclipse

Third POV

Eclipse woke up from her slumber by the sun beaming on her face after losing herself to her other half. Looking up she saw Infinite sleeping behind her on her shoulder and tasted blood in her mouth. 'Oh no,' she thought as she placed her hand on her lip and looked at it to see blood on her glove, 'what happened? The only thing I remember was Infinite kissing me then everything went dark.' Eclipse looked at the bed and saw more blood on the sheets they were lying on, she tried to wiggle free but, Infinite just held her tighter around her waist. With nothing to do Eclipse sat still and waited for him to wake up but thinking of what she probably did to him that he may not even wake up at all.

Infinite's POV

I woke up from the sunlight stinging my eyes when my vision cleared I looked around with difficulty because my neck was killing me from last night I saw that I was still holding the girl in my arms and quickly let go and got off the bed.

"What happened last night?" The girl asked me

"Why should I tell you?" the girl turned to me glaring, I looked into her eyes to see they have returned to their original mixed color of green and red

"I will tell you if you tell me who you are," I said thinking it will the perfect opportunity to get to know her, after a while of not knowing. The girl looked like she was thinking about my bargain, she signed I assume that she agrees with me, however,  before she said anything the girl looked at the big gaping hole in her room behind me.

"What happened over there?" she asked

"That's not an answer" the girl gritted her teeth as she tried to change the subject, but I caught on to what she was doing. I folded my arms waiting for her introduction,

"My name is Eclipse" she started, Eclipse huh, it's a lovely name for her

"That's it, happy"

"No, I said for you to tell me who you are" I repeated

"I told you my name isn't that enough!"

"No what are you?" I persisted, Eclipse widened her eyes at me when I asked the question then looked away

"I'm not answering that" I narrowed my eyes at her 'why won't she tell me, oh well I will know soon enough'

"Fine, but I ask you again, and you will tell me"

"Alright, now what happen last night that made the hole behind you"

"you bit me" Eclipse eyes widened again

"I what?"

"you bit me, I will not repeat myself" I said,  I even show her the bite mark on my neck as proof, when I turned back to Eclipse she had head down looking ashamed I was curious as to why and stepped closer to her, however, she stopped me by putting her hands up since they were bound together by the cuffs.

"Can you give me a bucket" she whispered


"I think I'm gonna be sick" she said her face turning green holding her mouth to keep her sickness in, I quickly got a bucket from the kitchen of the abandoned house and gave it to Eclipse where she puked, but it was blood that she puking which was not normal; I became concerned but, didn't let it show.' Why should I be concerned' I thought I quickly went to work in fixing the hole in the wall to keep Eclipse from escaping or contacting anyone. When I finished I got a call from the doctor.

"Infinite the resistance has infiltrated the Mystic Jungle weapon supplies factory, get rid of them"

"Yes, Doctor" I looked at Eclipse again to see that she was breathing heavily after getting sick in the bucket and put it on the floor I got rid of it and put on my mask that had fallen on the ground when she hit me then left to assist the doctor.

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