A True Friend

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Rydel's POV:

As I'm walkimg down the street, in disguise of course, Princess' aren't supposed to go out alone, plus I didn't want anyone to recongnise me. Anyway as I'm walking I see the girl I helped last month, however she looks worse than before. I decided to go talk to her.

Rydel: Hey are you alright? What's wrong?

she jumped, I guess she wasn't expecting anyone to talk to her.

Laura: I-I-I'm fine...

Rydel: You clearly aren't, tell me what's wrong.

She sobs for a couple of minutes before she clears her throat to talk again.

Laura: I can't afford to pay for m sister's hospital bill so they are going to take her off of life support when this week is up. And it's already Wednesday. I don't know what to do.

Rydel: I'll make you another deal.

Laura: No I still haven't paid you back for last time.

Rydel: *I shook my head saying it's okay. Look this is the deal I'm offering you. I will pay your sister's hospital bill, but you have to do me a favour and be my brother's best friend.

Laura: That's all? Are you sure it's alright? *I nod. Oh my goodness thank you thank you.

Rydel: Yes now come with me to the hospital.

She nods and than stands up to follow me. When we get to the hospital, she walks up to the lady at the front desk.

Rydel: Excuse me Miss, but who handles the hospital bills around here?

FD Lady: His name is Rob, he is in his office right now. His office is right down this hall and it's the last door on the left.

Rydel: Thank you.

As we are walking down the hall I notice Laura's face, it's that of pure shock.

Rydel: Why do you look so shocked?

Laura: It's nothing *I just nod my head in response

The two continue down the hall until they get to the office.

I turned to Laura

Rydel: Let me do all the talking okay?

Laura: Ummm okay, but can I ask why?

Rydel: You'll see when we go inside.

Laura: Ummm ok... now I'm even more confused.

I started laughing, and so did she, we shared a laugh for a couple of seconds, calmed ourselves down, and got ready to go inside the office.

As soon as we stepped inside, the guy recognised me.

Rob: Princess Rydel what are you doing around here?

Oh boy here we go...


I know it's short I'm sorry.

How do you think Laura is going to react now that she knows Rydel is Royalty?

What do you think Rydel is going to do?

Thank you for the 22 reads, it makes me smile that someone is reading my story.

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feedback would be appreciated

One Love





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