It's You (Part 2)

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A/N: for some reason it wouldn't update the chapter so I'm posting the rest in this part so it's going to be extra short sorry...


I grabbed a hold of Laura tightly.

Laura: What's wrong Ross...

Ross: I I um....

Laura: Just spit it out Rossy

Ross: (sighs) I love you but we can't be together.

All of a sudden I felt a sharp sting on my left cheek. It took me a couple minutes before I realised that she had slapped me.

But why?


Why did Laura slap Ross?

Comment what you think the reason was....

thank you for the 2k reads making me all happy and stuff and the votes and comments

I love y'all so much

I'm super happy hope you all enjoy...

I would really appreciate if more people would comment. I would love and could use the feedback...


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