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"i shouldn't have to give you a ride to my house," i groaned, pulling out of the parking lot.

"well maybe you shouldn't have given an excuse babe," she winked at me causing me to sigh.

after about 5 minutes of driving in a silent car, i pulled into my driveway and turned off the car.

"lets go," i grabbed my backpack from the back seat and walked into the empty house.

"where's your family?"

"my mom is um, at work, and my dad is also at work."


i led her upstairs to my room as she continued to invade my life.

"one yeah, a little brother."

"cute. what's his name?"

"noah," i smiled thinking about the little rascal i call my brother.

"so what do you need help with?" she plopped down on my bed placing her hands in her lap.

"you do realize i don't actually need help. i'm pretty much done with all of it," i laughed sitting down in the empty spot next to her.

"ouuu i see, so that means we have time to have a lil fun," Dinah placed her hand on my chest, applying pressure forcing me to lay down. she crawled on top and leaned down placing each hand beside my head.

"dinah get off"

"why? i know you like this position,"


"babygirl cmon," she leaned her face close to mine, making her lips ghost mine.

"don't call me that," i coughed and turned my face one direction so that our lips were no longer millimeters away.

she leaned into my left ear which was facing her and whispered, "you playing hard to get turns me on Y/N," she licked her lips placing a soft wet kiss on my neck.

"dinah stop-."

"baby please," i sighed and turned my neck again pulling her into a rough kiss.

"honey i- i'm sorry i didn't realize you had a guest over," i immediately shove dinah off of me and look at my mom, pink rising to my cheeks.

"i'll uhm, be back dinah," i got up walking out of the door, closing it behind me.

"mom it's not what it loo-."

"shut the hell up Y/N, i used that line already. it never works." she sighed pulling me into her bedroom. we both sat down on the bed in silence for the first 30 seconds, though it felt like an eternity.

"first of all, your ass needs to be more careful, what if i was your father." she sighed placing her hand on mine, i was so confused at this point.

"so are you mad at me or not mom?"

"why the hell would i be mad at you? Y/N i was gay," she said laughing at me.

"well what happened?" just as the last word slipped my mouth, dinah knocked on the door slowly opening it.

"uhm... should i uh, leave or like, come back later?" Dinah glanced at me and then down at her shoes, she felt bad for the position she put me in.

"nonsense sweetie, come sit down," my mom kindly smiled at her and pointed to the chair that was in front of both of us. Dinah slowly walked in, and sat down.

Bathroom Stall ➳ Dinah JaneWhere stories live. Discover now