christmas chapter ?¿

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a/n the next chapter in the story is supposed to be sad so this is gonna be like a FLASHBACk , is that kool w you? kay thanks.

"HELLOOOOOO" i groaned falling onto the floor. i stayed the night at normani's house along with camila, dani and dinah.

"okay it's like 6 in the morning, why the FUCK am i awake?" i sighed, slowly pulling the blanket over my head to block the light in the house from waking me up fully.

dinah pinched the bridge of her nose, "because camila wanted to check if santa ate her fucking cookies," i could hear the other girls snicker causing me to smile.

i rolled over to my other side and faced dinah, smiling.

"hi," she whispered.

"hi," she tucked a strand of hair behind my ear causing me to blush. before my cheeks could get any redder i sat up and stretched my arms causing her to reciprocate.

camila walked towards me and plopped down into my lap and dinah's smile immediately disappeared.

"what's up kiddo?" i asked seeing as she had a huge pout spread across her face.

"santa didn't eat my cookies.." she crossed her arms and leaned into me causing me to immediately wrap my arms around her and rub her to comfort her.

"what kind of cookies were they?" i asked, dinah looked at me confused, not knowing where i was gonna go with this.

"they were regular cookies with peanuts in them," she sighed.

"well that's why he didn't eat them dork, i read somewhere that santa is allergic to peanuts," i moved over so that i could see her face and a smile slowly appeared on her less pouty face.

"why didn't you tell me that sooner?!" she slapped my arm and got off of me. i laughed and got up as well.

"so are we opening presents or what?" dani asked while rubbing her eyes.

"yes after we feed ourselves geez," normani grabbed a box of cereal and threw it at her.

"ow you fucking asshole," dani groaned and grabbed some spilled cereal, throwing it right back at her.

"FOOD FIGHT," camila shouted and threw the banana she was eating at dinah causing me to choke.


"yes y/n?"

"uh, you should run..." camila immediately ran, as dinah picked the pieces of banana out of her hair.

"camila i'm going to murder you on jesus' birthday," dinah got up chasing down the banana lover.

"so i guess this leaves me out of the food fight right?" i sigh in complete happiness as i lean back against the couch.

just as i had finished my sentence i felt hands push something soft and mushy into my hair. i turned around to see both dinah and camila laughing, of course they teamed up.

"i hate BOTH of you," i groaned getting up and walked towards the bathroom. i looked at myself in the mirror. i had huge bags underneath my eyes and looked like i was running off of 5 minutes of sleep. i love high school. ESPECIALLY, finals.

"you don't really hate me, do you?" it was dinah.

"yes. i do." a pout began to spread on her beautiful face making me internally groan. she knows her pout is my weakness.

"really really really? like for sure for sure?" she stuck her lips out and put her hands up pleading.

"" i grabbed the last of the banana out and threw it into the trash can.

"good." she smiled and pulled me into her. wow the feeling of me in her arms. amazing. after what felt like forever, in a good way of course, i let go of her and pulled her towards the door.

"can we open presents now because all you did was start an unnecessary fight," i rolled my eyes once my eyes landed on normani.

"yeah whatever fool, suck my dick,"

"i'll pass, thanks for the offer though!" i blew her a kiss and headed towards the lit up christmas tree. it didn't actually need to be on to be honest, there was plenty of light in the room.

everyone sat around staring at me. i huffed as i grabbed the presents from under the tree.

"y'all some lazy ass hoes that deserve nothing but coal," i muttered under my breath as i continued reading the gifts. we were doing a secret santa type thing so that we could save money since we were planning an expensive trip. i had gotten camila, not really sure about everyone else. secret ya know?

"that's all of them," i said sitting down between normani and dinah. all of the gifts had the names of who they go to but not who it's from.

"who wants to go first?" dani asked, looking over the gift bag in her lap.

camila rolled her eyes, " can go first you dummy," dani immediately pulled out the papers from the bag her smile growing wide.

it was a black mug that had the word friends written in cursive on it along with a group picture all of us had taken.

"i love it," this time i think she rubbed her eyes to keep the tears from flowing.

"that was from me," i watched as camila raised her arm up and smiled to the ground.

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT MY TURN," camila clapped a loudly before grabbing her small box.

as soon as she unwrapped it, she immediately gasped and leaped into my arms.

"how'd you know it was from her?" dani asked, annoyance clear in her voice.

".. i just did okay," camila rolled her eyes and kissed my cheek.

"i love you," she whispered into my ear. looking passed her you can see dinah's face slowly fall.

"i love you too mijita," i laughed tapping her, signaling for her to get off of me.

dinah smiled softly looking at her wrapped up gift. it was a box. she pulled off the gift wrap revealing a black speaker as well as a note.

"stop stealing my speaker now hoe,


dinah laughed reaching over to touch her hand. my turn i guess.

it was a small thin box, like maybe for a bracelet. i pulled the santa paper off of it, light purple color taking its place. i pulled the top of the box off, and my heart immediately melted.

two roses dangled from a gold chain. simple things matter. the rose itself stands for love and romance, but two of them together symbolizes mutual love and affection. we talked about it once.

i can't believe she even remembered our conversation about this.

i wrapped my arms tightly around her body and breathed in her scent.

"thank you. so so much," she pulled away and smiled at me.

"my turn," normani rolled her eyes at us and grabbed her flat gift.

the moment she opened the gift a loud yelp left her mouth and she leaped into the air tossing the gift onto the floor in the process. i glanced at it seeing beyoncé, i immediately groaned.

"seriously mani? you're freaking out over a beyoncé calendar?" i said laughing at how even the sentence itself was ridiculous.

"thank you dani!!" normani pulled dani into a tight hug, the rest of us slowly following.

merry christmas !

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