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a/n i've opened this chapter and exited at least 30 times ugh

"your old elementary school crush?!" normani exlclaimed loudly as she took another bite out of her chicken wing.

it was currently 12:38, lunch started 8 minutes ago. i wanted to stay inside my english class to avoid seeing her but normani wouldn't let me.

"mhhhm" i hummed as i continued to stuff my face with the garbage school food. i swear, half of this food ends up leaving me with an upset stomach.

"are you excited?!" normani exclaimed once again. an unhealthy amount of coughs came from Dinah as she said this.

"not nearly excited as you are," i laughed slightly saying this because, well actually i don't know. she's just funny.

"do uh, do you.." she said in a terrible stutter. gosh darn it she's so cute what the actual fuck.

"do i..?" she rubbed the back of her neck and shook her head.

today it was only the three of us, dani and camila said they needed to retake some tests but lesbihonest they're probably doing something else.

i should text my mom to pick me up again. i honestly hate school. or maybe i hate like, life. both? who cares.

"earth to y/n?" mani began snapping her fingers in front of my face. i blinked a few times glancing up see dinah staring at me biting her lip.

"can we come over today to help you pick out your outfit?"

"outfit for what?"

"your date dumbass" she pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance causing a light chuckle to escape my mouth.

"i guess..." did dinah really have to come though..

-time skip bc who has the TiMe to write ab SCHOOL-

"KNOCK KNOCK" someone shouted behind the door. it was obviously mani. she's the only  crackhead dumb enough to do that.

i opened the door to be met with mani and the girl that bROKE MY HEART. all good though ya know.

"hey mani?"

"yes y/n?"

"you know you could've actually knocked instead of yelling the words 'knock knock' right?" she rolled her eyes at me pulling both me and the blonde up to my room.

"i need to take a peepee" normani said crossing her legs in a way where you could tell she would burst at any moment.

"don't tell me just go dumbass," i plopped down on my bed as i heard the bathroom door close.

i watched as Dinah bit her lip looking through my closet. you could tell she was in completely focused in thought. that's the only time she bites her lip. that and when she's trying to hold herself back from saying something. she looked utterly beautiful by doing literally nothing, i just don't understand.

"what about this?" dinah asked holding up the black dress along with my jean jacket. the outfit i wore to the party. yeah that party. the one i where i first met her.


"why not?" she asked, there was just something about the way she looked at me in her eyes. they had a bit of a spark or a twinkle. i cant put it into words.

"it doesn't scream 'fuck me' ya know?" she choked on what i could only assume was her saliva.

"UHHH Y/N?" normani shouted from the bathroom.

Bathroom Stall ➳ Dinah JaneWhere stories live. Discover now