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"hi baby," Dinah pecked my lips entering my car. i could really get used to this.

"hi my love, are you ready?" it was currently 3:45 pm and we were on our way to my house since noah doesn't get out of daycare till 5:30.



"can you get that for me?" i move in the seat slightly as she grabs the phone from my back pocket.

"it's from your dad.. i think?"

sperm donor: i'm leaving to the airport right now, be sure to feed noah and yourself with the money i left on the counter.

sperm donor: be safe, i love you.

"you have your dad under sperm donor?" dinah let out an angelic laugh and smiled at me.

"you're a goof babe, what do you want me to reply with?" she asked as i stopped at a stoplight.

"reply with 'k, thanks"

"you're K-ing your dad AND saying thanks to i love you wow babe, you're really somethin else" i pulled into my driveway and pecked her lips.

"yup, now let's go eat some frozen pizza and watch lion king"

Dinah's POV

"yup, now let's go eat some frozen pizza and watch lion king" wow can she just marry me already fuck.

"earth to dinaaaaah"

"sorry" i mumbled getting out of the car.


"babe.. babe.." i sighed, mentally face palming, i told her not to take a nap but of course she does the exact opposite.

"babyyyyy" i continued to shake her arm until i received a groan. she began moving but remained in her sleeping state.

i removed some of her hair that was in her face and placed a small kiss on her forehead. then her nose. and last but not least, her beautiful, sweet, plump lips.

"i'm awake," she smiled at me pulling me into another kiss.

"i was up the moment you said babe, i just wanted to be stubborn," i groan pushing her into the couch.

"you're so rough all the damn time" she mumbled underneath her breath.

"let's go pick up noah already," i rolled my eyes grabbing her keys, leaving her there.


"nope" i started the car waiting for my beautiful girlfriend to come and kick me out of the drivers seat.

"get out,"

"sir yes sir" i saluted her and got up from her seat, as i was about to walk around the car, she pulled me into another sweet kiss. i wish it was like this all the time.

"are we almost there?" we had only been driving for 2 minutes but it felt like 291838828247 years.

a/n 5 bucks to anyone who knows how to say that

a/n jk. i'm broke.

"yesss calm down," we stopped at a red light, she sighed, running her fingers through her hair.

"Y/N!!!" we hadn't even left the red light yet, i glanced through the drivers seat window and noticed a small slim boy standing with a big grin on his face.

"hey buddy!" the light turned green and she slowly pulled into the parking lot getting out of the car.

all of the kids were standing in the front of the building for some type of learning exercise.

"hello y/n," a girl a bit shorter than me came up to us, smiling as widely as possible.

"hey, i'm here to pick up noah," the girl grabs her hand and walks her over to a desk where i'm assuming the sign out sheet is.

i watched her closely as the girl bit her lip and glanced her up and down. i really wish i could just tap y/n's shoulder and pull her into a kiss. but i can't.

"hey noah, i'm Dinah" he smiled at me tugging me towards a small group of kids.

"hi Dinah, these are my friends." the smile on his face never left for a second, and it truly made me happy.

"hi guys!" i took a seat with them and noah immediately took a seat on my lap. i picked up the legos from the table starting to build a random object.

- suck my dick -

Y/N's PoV

as soon as i finished signing the form, i glanced where i left them to find them gone. my eyes quickly scan the rest of the room, spotting the two at a table.

"hi baby," i whispered into her ear as i snuck up behind her. a smile spread across her face.

"cmon noah, we have dinner to make!" noah latched onto dinah and we walked to the car.

a/n iM sOrry for being inAcTivE like REALLY sorry :((((((( hiii

Bathroom Stall ➳ Dinah JaneWhere stories live. Discover now