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"eat your food" mani shoved the plate of nasty school food closer towards me.

"i'm not hungry"

"i've heard that for the last 3 days, you need to eat something," normani sighed glancing at me, then back at the food.

"when will you tell me what happened?"

"never. it doesn't matter," i grabbed the tray and walked towards the trash can. the pop of the food hitting the end of the trash can made me flinch, i looked up to see her. smiling. not a normal happy smile, but a sad one. a longing one.

i walked away back to the table normani was sitting at and placed my head in my hands.

"i just want what's best for you, and i wish i could help get you to a better state of mind, but i cant do that if you don't talk.." dani sat down at the table, along with camila.

"communication can be hard at times but in the end, it's the only thing that can better situations. without it you've got nothing." the other two stayed in silence, not knowing whether or not they should talk.

"...can i uhm, sit here?" the shy voice spoke barely above a whisper. the voice that managed to break my heart into a million pieces.

"yeah.. i was just leaving," i said as i grabbed my backpack, swinging it over my left arm.

"wait!" i stopped walking and remained with my back facing her.

"never mind," she released a breath of air.

i continued walking down to my next class. maybe i should ask to get homeschooled. or do online school. or maybe i should even just drop out altogether. sounds like a plan. i'm wasting my time with these dumbass crackheads in school anyways.

you: mom

mama❤️: yes?

you: can you take me out of school

mama❤️: why??

you: you know why

mama❤️: y/n

you: yes mother

mama❤️: this can't be your answer

mama❤️: you can't runaway from these types of things

you: i know

you: but i can sure as hell try

you: now will you pick me up or not?

mama❤️: i'm already here.

you: thanks mama

"Y/N Y/LN PLEASE REPORT TO THE OFFICE" i took one glance behind me to see her looking at me, then turned back around and headed to the office.

a/n i promise, i'll do better .

Bathroom Stall ➳ Dinah JaneWhere stories live. Discover now