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"can i see dinah jane?" the mans voice was deep, the only person i could possibly think of was her father. i tried opening my eyes but they were stuck shut from all the crying i had been doing.

"she's undergoing surgery right now but you can see her afterwards" the feminine voice responded, causing a large sigh to leave his voice. finally my eyes slowly fluttered open and i locked eyes with him.


i sat up from camila's lap and got up to pull him into a hug.

"do you know anything about what happened?" you could tell his voice was hoarse from all the crying he had been doing.

i opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"she git into a car accident, that's all we know" normani spoke up for me causing me to nod in agreement.

"is it okay if i sit with you guys?"

i nodded my head again in response and took my seat back in camila's lap. her arms immediately wrapped around my body and a single tear slid down my cheek. it felt like no matter how much crying i did the first time around, they just kept coming. every single time my heart would beat, i could feel it throb in pain. it just continued to consume me. i cant sleep but i don't wanna be awake to feel this pain and it just-."


i looked up at camila and she had the most confused face i had ever seen. i almost smiled. almost.

she shook her head and i continued to let my thoughts consume me.

*4 hrs later, which might not be accurate but shush*

"can i get the family members of dinah jane?" the lady's voice rang through my ears and my body jumped up at the sound.

"can i go too?" i asked looking at gordon, seeing him nod his head led me to follow the two of them.

"the doctor will be here in a few minutes," the lady walked out the door. my eyes landed on her limp body, there was a gash on her forehead that had been stitched up.


my eyes never left her, i walked to the right side of her bed placing her hand in mine. oh how i missed this.

the doctor walked in with a clipboard and let out a sigh when his eyes landed on us.

"the car accident was a head on collision. when the glass shattered, she got the gash on her forehead. the collision gave her a spinal cord injury so we had to have surgery." as words continue to flow from his mouth, a tear fights it's way down my cheek and the my vision starts to blur.

"she's in a mini coma right now but we think she should wake up within the next hour. she's also gonna have to go to physical therapy and will have some problems after waking up such as reduced strength, poor balance, reduced muscle control, and just some sore pain in general."

gordon and him walked out to discuss payment plans because of the surgery and i finally pulled out my phone.

mama: where are you ?? it's 10 pm and your father comes home in an hour.

you: dinah got into a car accident. she should be waking up soon from surgery. i'm not coming home tonight.

mama: can i bring you food or clothes?

you: a onesie please? *address*

mama: omw

i turned my phone off my phone looked down at my hands holding hers. her nail on her index finger chipped that she just got done two days ago, she's gonna be so mad. i smiled softly at the thought and looked back at her face. i took in all her features again, as if i hadn't met her before. i missed her lips, they were the softest i've ever felt. her long eyelashes started to twitch and i felt my heart rate start picking up.

"dinah.. i don't know if you can hear me, or if you're starting to wake up but please, please wake up. i need you here, with me. i love you. so fucking much and even the mere thought of you not being in my life, hurts." i intertwined our hands and looked at her again.

"i cant imagine a version of my life without you in it," i got up gently placing my lips against hers, when i felt her kiss back i quickly pulled away to see a small smile on her face.

"does my mouth taste bad or something? i could've sworn i brushed my teeth," a smile immediately grew on my face as i shook my head. i didn't think a smile was possible today.

"then can i get a real kiss now?" she asked, i complied and pressed my lips back against hers softly as if she would break if i pressed them any harder.

"i love you too." she said after i pulled away and i smiled even harder.

"what happened dinah" i asked finally getting serious. her eyes shot down and she was unable to look at me.

"please," i picked her chin up facing her face towards me and she sighed.

"i uh, well after i left from your house, i was okay, but i got into my head, and i thought about how happy you could be with jayden, and how your date was probably going so well. i started crying in the process. harder than i ever have before. my vision became blurry and i couldn't see the car that happened to be turning and i crashed. BUT IT WASNT MY FAULT, he was passing a red light." i sighed letting go of her hand. this happened because of me. i put the gash in her forehead. i am the reason she needed surgery.

dinah pouted looking at her hand and then looking at my hand.


"i cant lift up my arm to grab your hand back, can you do it for me?" my heart broke a little more and i grabbed her hand back, interlocking our fingers.

"oh you're awake!" the doctor said, walking back in with gordon and a worrisome version of my mom.

i let go of her hand again already feeling her pout burn through the back of my head.

i hug my mom and look back at gordon before pulling her outside of the room.

"is dad home yet?"

"no he's arriving in 40 minutes" i looked down at the time before looking back up.

"here's your onesie. are you two.. a thing again?"

"i don't know mom, but dad-."

"i'm handling it." i sighed and nodded.

"i'm gonna change and ask the girls if they wanna come in and see her now. are you gonna be okay going home?" i asked her since she seemed a little off.

"i'll be fine honey, just watch out for dinah okay?" i smiled and nodded walking towards the bathroom.

a/n ayoo maaa, i actually write this from my heart and my own feelings 😌

17 comments and i'll update again 🥺

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