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a/n i guess i'm finally gonna update

the sound of the doorbell rang throughout my small empty house, jayden. i sighed fixing a few baby hairs that were sticking out and grabbed my purse.

i opened the door, welcomed by the fresh breeze and a smiling jayden. his hair seemed freshly cut and his cologne invaded my space.

"a-are you ready?" i mean he ain't THAT ugly, i guess i could tap tha-

"hellooo?" he waved in front of my face as well and snapped causing me to shake my head and laugh lightly.

i nodded in reply to his question. he seemed so nervous, his hand grabbed mine with a slight shake and his voice quivered.

he opened the door to the passenger seat for me, a small thank you left my mouth as he quickly ran to the other side of the car.

i grabbed the necklace that was wrapped around my neck and sighed.

"that's a pretty necklace, who got it for you?" he asked, turning his head for only a few seconds to keep his eyes on the road.

"uhm, a friend of mine," i choked up a bit in the middle of saying it, but he didn't notice.  

"where are we going to dinner?" i asked since my stomach started growling.

"in n out" he looked at me again but i stayed silent. the whole rest of the drive, i stayed silent. silence felt better than trying to force even half of what me and dinah had with him.

i stared out of the window watching as we passed by many trees that had either been cut down or dying. suddenly we pulled into a parking lot of the in n out and i internally sighed.

he quickly got out of the car racing to the passenger seat so he could be a "gentleman" towards me. i chuckled lightly and thanked him as i got out of the car. as we walked i felt his hand graze my hand multiple times until finally he tried grabbing mine but i immediately put my hands in my purse pretending to grab something out.

we sat down and both immediately looked at the menu. 

"what are you gonna get?" he asked, placing the menu down on the table.

"i just want a cheeseburger, i'm not that hungry," i said, doing the same with my menu.

"oh well the mo-."


my phone ringing cut him off from his sentence and i've never been so grateful in my life.

i glanced down to see it was dinah calling..

"i'll be back," i got up walking out to the front of the fast food place and answered the call.

"Y/N!" there were loud heavy breaths as if the person on the phone just ran 5 miles.



"what the fuck is going on??"

"dinah's in the hospital" my heart already shattered heart managed to find more ways to get shattered. my phone slipped from my hand as a single tear managed to fight its way down my cheek. i quickly ran into the in n out and made it to jayden.

"I NEED YOU TO TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL NOW" his eyes looked worried and he immediately got up and followed me out. i picked up my phone that was now just as shattered as my heart.

"which hospital??" i groaned and grabbed his phone calling dinah's number again and was met with normani's voice.

"can you text the address of the hospital?"

"yes just hurry"

i ended the call and handed him his phone back seeing as the text came through and he immediately drove off.

once we arrived i got out of the car and almost took off running until i realized who brought me here.

i looked back at him sitting in the car looking at me in confusion. i ran back as fast as possible.

"please leave, we can maybe finish our date another day, i'm sorry about this," and with that i left without looking back.

the moment i got through the hospital doors i glanced around looking for normani until they landed on three girls all with their heads down.

i quickly made it to them tears starting to well up in my eyes.

"what the fuck happened?" my voice broke halfway through the sentence and as i felt my legs begin to give out camila immediately got up and caught me from falling. she pulled me into her lap in her seat and let out a soft sigh.

"she got into a car accident y/n"

"how long ago"

"45 minutes ago"

i silently cried into her shoulder letting myself completely fall apart in her arms.

a/n yo i opened this app for the first time in months and had 1k notifications-  took me 20 minutes to go through it all

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