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y/n's pov

i walked out of the bathroom and into the lobby where the rest of my friends were waiting.

"i think you guys can see her now if you want, she woke up not too long ago," i reached for mila's hand and pulled her up from her seat, smiling softly. i walked back towards the tongan's room with camila to the right of me while normani and dani walked behind us. i opened the door with my left hand since my right was still holding onto camila's. dinah smiled weakly glancing down for a split second then bringing her eyes back to mine.

"hi guys," dinah sighed softly.

camila let go of my hand walking over to her as well as the other girls.

"thank god you still remember us," normani sighed.

"how could i ever forget you guys," as she said this her eyes never left mine.


y/n's mom's pov

"fuck you"

"fuck me? i'm not the christian man that's sleeping around behind my wife's back"

i grabbed the suitcase from his hand shoving him into the wall causing him to heave when i walked away.

"you need me!" he yelled as i grabbed another duffel bag shoving some of noah's and y/n's clothes into it.

"oh yeah? and why the fuck do i need you?" i laughed dryly tossing the duffel bag next to my suitcase.

"because without me you're a dyke" he grabbed my hand forcefully pulling me towards him.

"i'm sorry that girls have more to offer than you, you're a sorry excuse for a man"

i pushed him off of me again and grabbed the bags walking towards the car, there were 3 in total.

"your father is gonna be disappointed" he slammed the trunk of my car down getting in my way.

"it wouldn't be the first time, the next time you see me i'll be serving you divorce papers, goodbye.

i closed the door to my car and started the engine.

"BURN IN HELL" he screamed his last words. as i pulled out of the drive way i rolled down the window.

"choke on a dick."

y/n's pov




"damn y/n who's tryna get in your pants?" mani laughed looking down at my phone while dinah simply raised her brow.

i looked at dinah shaking my head and opened my phone.

mama: noah is staying the night at a friends house

mama: i'm gonna find a hotel for us to stay at for a bit

mama: you're staying with dinah at the hospital?

you: yes i am , why a hotel?

mama: i'll explain later, tell dinah i'll be back to visit tomorrow after work.

you: okay, i love u

mama: i love u too

"it's getting late, did you guys drive here?" i asked looking at dani.

"yeah, i have to be home by 11 so i can only stay for a little bit longer"

"she's my ride so i have to go too," camila said causing me to smirk. 

"sure buddy, sure" i said patting her back.

"my moms already on her way here so i'm leaving right now" mani said getting up and grabbing her purse. i pulled her into a hug and took my seat back next to dinah.

"bye dinah, i'll see you again soon." dinah smiles and said a quiet bye looking back at me.

"what's up?" i said after feeling her stare at me for 30 seconds.

"just appreciating" i raised a brow in confusion.

"appreciating what? being in the hospital in complete and utter pain?"

dani smacked the back of my head making me groan in pain.

"what the hell was that for?"

"for cracking a joke at a time like this, now we're leaving but we'll be back tomorrow after school most likely, love you guys" i hugged her goodbye and turned my direction back to dinah.

"so what do are you appreciating?" she smiled the biggest smile since waking up.

"come here real quick" i got up from my seat bringing my face closer to hers.

"what do you appreciate?" i asked for the third time, her warm breath hitting my lips.

"come closer" she said, her breath slowly picking up. i leaned in millimeters away from her lips.

"closer," i closed the gap between our lips. pressing softly against her plump lips, i placed my hand on her cheek feeling her smile into the kiss.


a/n the snack that smiles back

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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