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"i'm so nervous" i sighed, rubbing my temples.

"what's the worse that could happen?" mani asked as she glanced up at the teacher.

"uh i don't know, they're some dumb prick i've already met before.."

"y/n, don't use that kind of language!" the teacher said irritated at that point because we had been talking the whole period.

"if my mom says i can, then i can."

"leave this class this moment" i sighed grabbing my things and walking out into the halls.

you: wanna meet up now?

DJ🤪💓: but we're in class

you: correction, YOURE in class :)

DJ🤪💓: wdym?

you: i got kicked out of my class lmao

DJ🤪💓: well dayuum, didn't know you were a rebel like that😏

you: ew stop.

you: anyways, is that a yesss orrr

DJ🤪💓: omw

Dinah's POV

"uhm, Ms. coburn may i use the restroom?" i asked in the middle of her lesson knowing she'd get mad.

"Do you have the bladder of a 2 year old Dinah, you just went 30 minutes ago" she looked at me in annoyance.

"well if you must know, i'm on my period and  the flow is heavy as fuck, so can i go" i smirked as her cheeks began to turn pink. she nodded and waved me off to the bathroom and continued her lesson.

Your POV

i pushed myself up sitting on the side of the sink, hopefully not recreating the vine where the girl breaks the sink.

"hello..?" another voice said, i looked towards where the voice was coming from.

"dinah?" i couldn't see all of her face, but she had the same beautiful blonde hair, plus she had shorts on so i could see her thighs, and lets be honest, how could you possibly forget her thighs.

"y/n?" Dinah came completely into the bathroom closing the door behind her.

"you're the person i've been texting?" i asked

"i guess so," she laughed walking closer to me subtly looking me up and down.

"you look good," she bit her lip causing me to feel things i had never felt before.

"thanks, so do you," i smiled.

"so, tell me about this girl crush of yours"

"i mean, she's uhh.." it was her. how would i even tell her that.

"why are you nervous?" she stepped closer to towards me.

"well what more do you want to know about her?"

"what does she look like?" she placed her hand on my thigh looking up at me.

"i uh, she's blonde.." she glanced once at my lips before slowly leaning in.

"i-i can't" her breath was on my lips and even though all it took was a little push to connect our lips, i just couldn't do it.

"i know you like me," she sighed.

"cocky much? my dad will be pissed if he found out," i ran my fingers through my hair jumping off of the sink.

"just one kiss? please?"

"take me on a date first."

a/n yikessss

Bathroom Stall ➳ Dinah JaneWhere stories live. Discover now