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"look!" i glanced at some papers from my moms desk.

"what? it just looks like a bunch of papers to me.." Dinah shrugged.

"nooo, under the papers dummy," i lifted the papers revealing a key.

"you found the key to my heart!" Dinah gasped grabbing it and holding it to her heart.

" stop being a brat" i rolled my eyes, grabbing the key from her, and unlocked the cabinet.

"are those what i think they are?" dinah lightly pushed me aside grabbing the papers. her eyes moving left to right as fast as possible.

"what??" she raised her arms higher as she read so i couldn't see. short people problems.

a/n short people problems, amiright

"uhhhm, babe i think your mom is gonna divorce your dad.." she looked down at me frowning slightly.

i just stood there. how is a person supposed to react to something like this. part of me is happy, part of me is confused, part of me feels bad, i feel like i could throw up all of these emotions and still have some left.


what if they fight over custody and my dad wins? i'll never be allowed to see dinah ever again. she's a brat but she's my brat. my breathing became heavy.

before i knew it dinah wrapped her arms around me pulling me into the warmth of her body. slowly, my breathing calmed and i felt safe.

"everything is gonna be okay, i won't let anything happen," Dinah kissed the top of my head.

"hey you missed" she moved away to look at my face, confusion written all over her face. i pointed to my lips and she smiled pulling me into a kiss.

"you hear that..?" we both stopped to listen.

"shh hurry up and put the papers back!" she put the papers into the cabinet and locked it running out of the office.

"Y/N!" my moms voice rang throughout the house. both dinah and i got up from my bad making our way to the kitchen.

"hi mom," i kissed her cheek and pulled her into a hug.

"did you girls eat?"

"ya, and we fed noah," dinah smiled looking down at her hands.

"god you're so cute," i whispered into her ear causing her smile to widen.

"you're lucky your father isn't here," my mom said taking a seat on the couch waving me and dinah over.

"why do you say that?" i asked cuddling into dinah.

"i think he knows that dinah is gay."

"well shit."

"i told you guys not to worry remember," she smiled softly.


my mom grabbed her phone and rolled her eyes once she saw the name.



the other side of the call was inaudible but you could hear the anger in it.

"can you stop fucking yelling at me?!"

dinah tapped my leg motioning for me to get up. she kissed the side of my head before grabbing my hand, pulling me towards my room.

"should we just break up?" she asked while she laid her head on my lap.


she sat up and looked into my eyes. her eyes always made me feel safe.

"i'm breaking your family apart.." she pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. i could feel my heart thudding against my chest as if it were about to pop out at any moment.

"... no" i felt the lump in my throat grow bigger by the second.

"yes i am," she caressed my cheek, staring at my face intently.

"please don't break up with me," a single tear slid down my cheek and she immediately wiped it away.

i slowly pulled her neck towards me placing my lips on hers.

"i'm sorry Y/N, i have to go."

a/n gosh darn it

Bathroom Stall ➳ Dinah JaneWhere stories live. Discover now