Chapter Thirteen

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There hadn’t been many times that I had felt powerful and in control before, but I also hadn’t killed a demon before.

It was different when you got to them in their human vessel, the ones that I had encountered where weaker than the ones I had found in this dreadful place. By hiding in humans then it also meant that when the human died, the monster lived on, ready to infect another. I could kill as many people as I wanted and not ever touch the demon. Back then, I did whatever I could do to try and help, but now I could do so much more.

I might even be able to change things.

I walked into the common room with a new found sense of power and control, not expecting to see Sam sitting there alone on the couch, yet the moment my violet eyes locked with his chocolate ones I knew I had come here to see him.

“Hi.” I said, approaching him. He looked up immediately and a warm smile spread over his face, replacing the worry that had just been there.

“Hi.” He replied with a little wave. I wanted to tell him everything that had just happened, I could tell him that I knew I wasn’t insane and I now had proof of what we all had the potential to be able to do.

But I knew there would be time for me to explain it all to him. At this moment all I wanted was him. I knew that we had to talk about the previous night, try to find the clues that had been scatted like breadcrumbs for us, but that was something that we could figure out later.

So instead I went over and sat next to him, drawing my knees up to my chest. Taking in his woodsy smell, the way his breath caught when I touched him, and after a moment of adorable hesitation, the strength of his arms as he wrapped one around my shoulder, pulling me in closer. At once I felt at peace at the world and in control of my own little infinity. Sam was there to protect me, but I could fight for myself now.

I was strong and we could sort this together.


Kenzi snuggled up to Sam and all he could think about was killing her.

She looked up at him, her white hair falling over her face. “Are you okay?” She asked him, complete uncontaminated honesty in those violet eyes. The thing about Kenzi was despite the horrors that she had been through; she still had this sense of innocence about her that made him feel like her protector. She couldn’t smile at someone while thinking of killing them, and in a way she couldn’t believe that other people could either. Yes she was strong, stronger than most people that he had met, but she believed the best in the people she cared about and he knew that would be untimely her downfall.

“Sam?” She asked, snapping him back from his thoughts.

“Oh, yeah... What did you say?” He asked her sheepishly. Distracted by her.

“Are you okay?” she laughed, her small nose scrunching up endearingly. Sam forced himself to relax.

“Yeah, it’s just been a late night, you know.” He joked, thinking about the strange events of the previous nights. Her cat like eyes when round and big, like this was the fist time that she had actually thought about the events that had transpired.

Looking around the room to see that any patients in there were out of earshot. She grinned at him. “So… the demons, they are definitely real.”

“Yep.” He told her with a chuckle. This was the first time that they had discussed this subject and she had been smiling.

“And that place that we went to last night that was the demons world.”

“Yeah, it explains a few things doesn’t it?”

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