Chapter Nineteen

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The moment I made eye contact with me, I couldn’t stop myself from shaking, my skin crawling at the memory of his hands around my neck. Even as I stood there, I kept my weigh on the balls of my feet, trying to prepare myself in case he went for me again. I wanted to have the confidence to not be scared, but I couldn’t help the fear sloiding down my spine like ice.

I hated it, but I also couldn't help the butterflies flutter in my stomach when his eyes met mine.

What was it about this guy?

He hesitated as we walked in, like her was going to approach me, but something in my expression made him halt.

“What the hell is he doing here, and what did you do to his face?” Chess demanded from beside me. I followed her .gaze and saw that Kieran was sitting, slumped in a bloody mess on the other side of the room. I turned back from Kieran to Adam, wondering what was going on. Chess and I exchanged a glance then she went to close the door behind us. “You guys are gonna have to explain yourselves.” She said, leaning against the door and watching the boys with narrowed eyes.

“Are you okay?” Sam said, ignoring chess. His brown eyes wide and imploring. Deep furrows in the space between his eyebrows. I didn't reply I couldn't. He took my breath away and not in the way that I expected anymore.

I didn't trust him for a moment.

Yeah, you shouldn't have trusted anyone in the first place, that’s what always gets you into messes like these.

“Kenzi?” A voice said. I looked away from Sam to Adam, who had quietly approached me. He glanced over me and noticed how I was shaking even where I stood. He took hold of my hand, making me look up at him.

“Are you okay?” He asked me quietly. I looked away, trembling and unable to answer. Before I knew it, Adam was pulling me into a hug. His directness took me by surprise, I wasn't expecting him to react to seeing me like this. Even after he had just saved my life. But I was was so tired, I felt like I could fall apart at any moment. When he held me, it was like he was holding me together.

“Beside him strangling her?” Chess yelled loudly, gesturing towards Sam before taking another swig from her bottle. Sam’s mouth fell open and he started shaking his head.

“No, no Kenzi, it's not like that-” He began, but Adam held up a hand to silence him. Adam sighed. His breath so heavy it was audible, his chest expanding.

“Sam wasn't the one who hurt you.” He told me quietly, still not moving away from me.

I felt Sam's eyes on me, but I couldn’t look at him. Instead I buried my head in Adams chest.

“I... I don't understand. He did...he said all those things.” Sam’s face fell and I found the strength to look away from him. “Adam, you saw him! You were the one that saved me. Don’t tell me that it didn’t happen, I know what I saw.” If they where going to make out like the things that I saw where all in my head, then they weren’t any better than the doctors in this place.

“It wasn't me! I swear to god, Kenzi I would never hurt you.”

I couldn’t look him in the eyes, I couldn’t stop my hands from shaking atb the sound of his voice. Adam took hold of my hands, forcing me to look up at him. “It's true, he didn't hurt you. It was Kieran who did that.”

“Kieran doesn't even look a little bit like Sam.” Chess said, swaying on the spot where she stood. Her eyes where vacant and staring of into the distance.

“I know what happened, Adam, I saw him.” I cried incredulously, my hand going to my throat where it was still tender.

Why did they not believe me?

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