Chapter TwentyFive

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The lullaby of a train passing nearby filled my ears. It took me a moment to register the noise before I realized that something was wrong, that I shouldn't be here.

This wasn't the demon world, at least I didn't think that it was. So where was it?

I opened my eyes, startled to find myself lying on what looked like the floor of a dark and abandoned train station.

“Hello?" I called out, my voice echoing against the stone walls. I picked myself of the floor slowly, wishing that Sam was with me, but then I remembered how dangerous places like these could be and I knew that I wouldn't ever want him to come to a place as deadly as this.

“Kenzi?” A small voice said, and I looked up to see that the little girl was there. But it wasn’t Mia. It was Echo. How was that possible, she hadn't ever been in my dreams. She wasn't allowed.

“Kenzi, wake up… this isn’t real. This world isn't real.” She said shaking me awake.

The train station melted away around me, and turned into a room I couldn’t recognized…

“Alright, lets get started with our session. This is going to be hard for you, but I am here for you and we are going to get through this together.” A voice said. I blinked, my eyes fluttering open. At first I thought that it was echo speaking, but what I saw made my blood run ice cold. I was strapped down to a cold metal table in a dark room I didn’t recognize, as Dr. Saunders stood over me. No matter how much I struggled, I couldn’t move my arms or legs. “Where am I?” I asked her, my throat tightening.

“Oh sweetie, you’re in the basement.” She replied with her sickly sweet, shark toothed grin.

I felt like I was going to be sick. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, we where so close to getting out.

“Why… what are you going to do to me?” I asked her my voice quivering.

“We are going to have a little session, just you and me.” She said, sounding like a kid at Christmas.

“Oh Kenzi, you have been the star patient of this institute. I think I knew that you would be going so far when you entered the institute, we wouldn’t have pit you straight onto the MLP if we didn't think that you could handle it.“ She smiled at me, almost looking caring. “I don't think you know exactly how proud I am of you for staying this strong.” She whispered to me with a warm smile. I frowned, not following what she was getting at. But before I could ask her, something was put inside my mouth, stopping me from speaking.

“Start her off on level one.” Dr Saunders commanded, and almost immediately electric shocks ran right though my body.

I thrashed about as much as the restraints would let me. The shocks only lasted a second of two, but the pain felt like a life time. When it was over, I felt warm tears trickling down my face and sheer exhaustion washing over me along with pain.

“Yes Kenzi, this is a therapy session, an electroshock therapy session. The electricity should make the MLP particles now in your body activate.

I stared up at the doctor, my eyes imploring her about her actions. Again she smiled and wiped the hair out of my face. “It’s alright Mackenzie, this won’t last much longer.” She looked back at the many nurses and interns behind her who where all following her orders.

I wanted to scream at her, but the thing in my mouth that was stopping me from biting my tongue also stooped me from speaking. Dr. Saunders smiled at me, the warmth was still there and I think that was the most sinister thing about her in that moment.

“We can do anything that we like. Everyone thinks that you have been sent to a mental institute for life. Nobody will care if you show up or not, because you are just a crazy little girl.” She looked over her shoulders. “Again, this time full power.”

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