Chapter Sixteen

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“Get away from her.” I heard as Sam's weight as suddenly shifted off from me and the room was filled with the tangy scent of cherries. I rolled away from them, gasping on the floor. Looking up I saw that Adam was wrestling with Sam on the other side of the room, both of them shouting at each other. I stared at them for a moment while I tried to breath normally again.

Adam had managed to pin Sam down for a second before Sam punching him square in the jaw,knocking him away. “Get out of here baby doll.” Adam shouted to me, but I just sat their motionless, not sure I could even stand up at that moment.

“You don't understand-” Sam screamed to Adam.

“I don't want to understand. I am not going to let you kill her.”


“Shut up!”

“She needs to die, I need to kill her!!!”

Adam stopped for a moment, staring at the other boy with wide eyes.”You crazy mouther fucker.” He said quietly before he punched him back. “

I couldn't take it any longer. I scrabbled up to my feet and ran from the room,trying my best to not succumb to a panic attack as I did so. Sam shouting, “She needs to die, I need to kill her.” Still ringing in my ears as I went.

Running down the halls, with no thought of where I was going, but just knowing that I had to put as much space between Sam and myself. I felt so torn. Forgetting the aching bruises I could feel on my neck, I felt like someone had sliced my heart in two. It was too much for me to believe that Sam had been against me this whole time, that he wanted to hurt me, it was just too painful to comprehend.

I was so busy with trying to figure out those thoughts that I didn't even notice that the lights were unusually dim, that the air seamed icy and stale, I didn't even notice how suddenly everything smelled rotted and musty.

It was only when I crashed into chess that those things began to gradually filter through to the front of my mind.

“whoa.” she said, steadying me so I didn't fall over.

“Wait.” She said, holding on to my shoulders ad looking carefully at my face.”What's wrong? Have you been crying?”

I rubbed at my face with my hands, trying to remove all evidence of what had just happened. But chess wasn't an idiot.

“What happened to your neck?”

“Nothing” I mumbled back to her, not looking her in the eyes. If I had then I would have noticed that they were a little red themselves.

“Kenzi, what is going on?” She demanded sharply.

“I...” for the first time I looked up and realized that the lights were flickering and the air was icy cold. “Wait, do you feel that?” I asked her

“Don't try to change the subject.” she snapped.

“Seriously chess, look around, do you feel that? The cold?”

She looked like she was about to snap at me again, but she paused, looking around. The lights where a lot dimmer than they had been previously, and I could practically see my breath materialize in front of me it was that cold.

“I don't get it.” she said, rubbing her arms.

“Yeah, it only gets like this when-”

“Dead birdie, dead birdie, dead birdie, dead birdie... hahahaha” a lilting voice laughed from the other end of the hall. Both of us stared at the figure that had now appeared. It was a young boy with tattered clothes, like the other beings from the demon world, he didn't look completely substantial, almost like he was made from smoke.

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