Chapter TwentySeven

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The hospital was starting to look more and more different. Overhead I could hear screams and shouts and growls…

The sound of nightmares…

There had defiantly been some sort of a rip between the dimensions. Something must have gotten through, I knew it, but I didn't know much had crossed over or exactly how dangerous it could be. The lights where flickering, the place seemingly morphing from one dimension to another.

I stopped for a moment thinking, perhaps the screams where in my head, they might not be real at all.

No! You need to stop thinking like that, it’s just Mr. Blake messing with my head.

I didn’t know which voices where mine, or Mia’s any longer. I felt like my mind was no longer my own.

I forced myself to continue down the halls, to stop thinking about what was going on and ignore the surroundings, keeping my hands clamped tightly over my ears to try and stop me from falling to the chasm of madness. But keeping my hands over my ears didn’t stop me from being able to hear the voices in my head.

Reality was shifting and it’s tearing you apart. You need to find away to stabilize it somehow.

Was that Mia? Or was that me? Or was it just one of the other many voices trapped inside my mind.

Suddenly ahead of me I saw the slight figure of Echo, she was facing away from me, but I knew it was here all the same.

I paused, wondering why she was standing so still.

“Echo?” I called out to her, knowing in that moment that she was somehow in danger, but I was too late, I watched as she crashed backwards to the floor, her head hitting the stone floor with a sickening thud.

“ECHO!” I screamed, running now towards her. She was shaking violently on the floor; it looked as if someone had taken a large knife and ripped it across her stomach. I could see organs spilling out of here body and her skin a deathly white. Her eyes began to flicker.

In all the years she had been there for me, I had never seen her bleed.

I stumbled to the floor and wrapped my arms around her. Trying to fix her, to stop her…. Stop her from dying.

She had never felt so real before to me, so physical… like a real person.

It was like I could feel her energy fading away beneath my fingers and I couldn’t do anything to keep it inside her.

“No, no, NO! You HAVE to stay. YOU HAVE TO STAY WITH ME ECHO.” I pleaded with her. “ How can you even be hurt? YOU’RE NOT REAL!” I cried out, my voice full of pain. Agony tearing at me like the wound in her chest.

“It’s too late.” She told me in a small but strong voice. “The MLP program has already affected you too much. It’s killing me. You didn’t want to have an imaginary friend anymore, and now you’ll get what you’ve always wanted.“

“Don’t talk like that.・ I scolded her. “I care about you and I won’t let you die. You can’t die, you can’t. It doesn’t make any sense!”

She reached up with a small, bloodied hand to caress my cheek. How could she even be touching me like this, how could I even have her blood on me. HOW DO IMAGINARY FRIENDS EVEN BLEED???

This couldn’t be happening.

“It does make sense. You wanted this to happen-”

“-No I didn’t!”

“Shut up! You need to go get out of here. The guards are almost down here and you need to be gone before they get here. There are demons upstairs and they’ll kill you if they can catch you.”

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