Suckah Ass Niggas

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I can't believe these fucking crack heads tried to end a nigga life over some punk ass dope I don't know how the fuck a nigga made it out that bullshit shit ......


Man I knew I should of took my ass home I had a bad feeling bout bussing heads down in the projects shit ain't nice when the nighttime hits mutha fuckahs get grimey on ya ass real quick I had to put the yeekie (gun) on me off safety and shit you know that fucked up feeling you get in yo gut when shit bout to go down yeah that was my dumbass waiting on some little niggas so they can take this dope off my hands so I can get home with my girl I knew she was stressing in some more shit I knew once I got home I might catch a two piece to the face but I didn't give a fuck sipping on a cup of Lean smacking on a fat wood blasting ( Young Thug- Power) I didn't know two crack heads was creeping up on a nigga whip an shit all of a sudden  they Hit my ass with that blocka-blocka one to the shoulder one in the back reaching in my back seat grabbing all the dope I had these niggas is robbing me and I can't do shit about it a nigga feel stuck can't. Move none of that shit smelling blood and a Ringing in my ear fuck a Nigga life bout to end and I got my baby and Nani to live for fuck all the shit hitting the fan and all I can do is she'd tears in agony couple hours passed by and I noticed Ms Blue walking down the street tweaking fucking big time it was either get her ass to help me or a nigga gone die right here in this mutha fucking whip and I ain't having that shit on folks it ain't going down like that with everything in me I flung my arm at my Horn on the steering wheel making the horn go off and getting her attention she stumbles over here and was shocked as fuck to find me shot the fuck up looking at her cause I can't even speak a nigga mouth filling with blood she ran to the passenger side and pulled my ass to the passenger side I don't know if it was the crack but she flung my ass like a piece of meat an shit hopping in the driver seat speeding to the hospital thinking she was gone run in get me some fucking help her ass banged on the fucking horn and ran her ass out of sight nurse came up to the car ran in to get some help for a nigga I ain't tryna go  out like this that's what was fucking with me the most the doctor called for all of the pre-surgery drugs and units of 0 negative blood in the hospital to be brought to the emergency room going in an out blacking out " sir stay with me sir open your eyes listen to the sound of my voice" he said flashing lights in my eyes to check my pupils they pushed drugs all through my body to numb me and  intubated me having to get a emergency blood transfusion and then shuffled me to Station 1 didn't know what the fuck was going on a nigga was on the verge of seeing bright lights something wouldn't let me die tho going for surgery and waking up in this small room with pain all in my body and seeing Nani in the chair next to my bed in a hospital gown with a heart monitor plugged up to her she seen I was awake an came to me and wrapped her arms around me and cried with so much hurt an pain behind every tear and sob that snuck out her mouth still holding me I hear her say " she's gone Tj she's gone " not knowing what she's talking about I got the energy to say "who " not wanting to think what my mind was beginning to think about "our baby girl " she says now I lost it what the fuck we do to deserve this shit I knew I was in pain but I know Nani ass is fucked up inside I grabbed her up and we laid there and cried together for our baby Serenity I didn't get a chance to hold my baby girl or nothing if I could've gave my life up to save hers I would she's the reason why a Nigga couldn't pass over to the bright lights she was my little guardian angel how I posed to be strong for the both of us when I'm torn in pieces  Nani stayed with me till the doctors made her go back to her room to get some rest I couldn't sleep knowing my child was gone and not coming back

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