Marco De La Cruz

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Five days we were getting ready for the mariachi band competition and Miguel's brother Marco was on the blue team the teams are divided by colors of the mariachi suits. We were red and I was nervous about this true I have danced in one before but not like this not one this huge and the judges were scary looking but on was Miguel's cousin Rosa so I guess we're ok, Miguel I'm.. nervous about this. It's ok babe just smile and dance and remember I'm here for you ok we kissed as Marco watched jealously pouting. "Ok ladies and gentlemen let's get ready for the red and blue teams as the perform La Bikina"! Ok let's break a leg right.  It started I was dancing and I wasn't afraid anymore of course I always have a backup plan Incase something happened and it was a good thing I did because Marco's ex stepped on my dress and ripped it but of course that was just a cover up and I showed my short salsa dress but before Lila could spin again she spin to fast and fell off the stage. Moments later we were at the hospital were we just heard the doctor said that she couldn't dance anymore for a while Marco was upset and disappointed so I comfort him holding him but.. after that he started acting strange like giving me flowers and gifts and singing to me. Miguel was getting pissed"Hey go sing to your own woman"! He slammed the door but Marco kept singing love songs which of course got Hiro upset and we had to get him from chasing Marco half way across the street but non the less it was quiet and peaceful again until he did it again ugh what am going to do with this guy?!

Marco De la Cruz lovesick and obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now