Daddy's babies

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Seven months pregnant with twins and I feel..fat. Marco makes me feel better about myself when I get like this today was the day of our monthly ultrasound check up on the twins and Marco was excited to see how big our babies grown. At the hospital I saw the babies and the cutest thing I saw touched both me and Marco's hearts one of the babies were kicking while the other one was I guess sleeping ok Mrs De la Cruz it looks like you and Mr De la Cruz have a very energetic and active one here heh yeah looks that way, well I'm going to get the copy and you guys are free to go. Thanks oh babe look just then baby #2 moved hitting the other one's head Marco helped me get the jelly off hey hey you two no fighting each other ok? Momma and I want you two to stay together and protect one another ok? They stopped fighting holding each other aww papa they stopped fighting your a good daddy already heh I guess I am he smiled we lean in to kiss after our kiss we got the pictures and went home i felt so good to know how my babies are doing I can't wait til they're born neither could Marco he had stuffed animals and blankets and pillows and clothes for them I was so happy. Marco why are there so many teddy bears here? So my babies have something to play with or sleep with aw your such a great daddy I know I can't wait to see them Jada our beautiful twin babies I wonder what their genders are I said looking at my belly Marco kissed my neck it doesn't matter what gender they are their our babies and as long as their a part of you I love them no matter what I love you Marco I love you too baby. He held me as went to our bedroom and went to sleep I couldn't stop thinking about how they would look after they're born but I can wait until next month too see a part of Marco and me into two separate beings.

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