Evil still rises

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"Marco...what did your brother meant by that we're married?" He was silent he never took this long to answer me what could be going on in his head? "Marco-?" "I heard you. And I don't want you to speak of him..ever." "Ok mi amor." I hugged him from behind he smiled as he held my hands "Jada do you want to stay here with me?" "Yes Marco of course I do I love you." "I love you too Jada and our beautiful babies we made together." "Speaking of which I should go check on our little angels wanna come papi?" He smirked wrapping his arm around my waist "of course mi amor". The next day Marco woke up seeing that Jada wasn't there she's always by his side by the time they go to be to the time they wake up in the morning he got up seeing her holding the twins he smiled "Hola mi amor". He kissed her forehead "Hola Marco papa's little boy ". He was so gentle and loving when it came to his kids and wife, he loves Jada and their babies he even gets scared their out of his sight for just a second. "Marco we have to get the kids ready for a photo shoot this afternoon at 4 and get them some new clothes". "Ok baby. Come on baby let's get you and your sister dressed".

Marco De la Cruz lovesick and obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now