You got me wrapped in your love

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Seven days went by and Hiro and Miguel are worried about Jada not being home so they call the police which in Miguel's family his cousin Rosa worked there she was the captain of the whole station. So you saw last week haven't seen her ever since then? No said Miguel sniffing and crying. I miss her terribly! Oh come on cuz she's ok I'm sure of it we'll go to the news and see if they put some information on the TV to see if anyone else seen her ok? Ok i guess it could work. Back at Marco's house Jada was with Marco in bed I love you so much baby. I love you too baby and we have to get ready for that contest tonight she said getting out of bed naked as he sat up to kiss her back your lips are warm Marco my kisses will always be warm for you mi amor, kissing her she got up to get dressed in a blue salsa dress and shoes as Marco put oh his mariachi suit which was the same color as her dress he walked up to her kissing her from behind you look so beautiful I don't want to ever..ever let you go. Thanks baby and I don't want to let you go either I don't know what I'll do without you she said wrapping her arms around him kissing him it's show time baby yeah I think they can last until it's our turn to perform he looked at her smiling you know something Marco? No what babe? You. Got me wrapped around your love and I can't get enough of you. He smiled pulling her closer and closer to him I do? Yeah they kissed but little did Marco know that Miguel's close to finding his wife.

Marco De la Cruz lovesick and obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now