Daddy's little girl and boy

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After showing the twins their rooms and getting comfortable the twins haven't had any problems with being home. Marco came home to see me holding Marco while Marca looked around in the play pin hey baby who's Daddy's little Angel? He said picking up the beautiful baby girl she had a mean mugging face aww baby look I looked up to Marca mean mugging face looks like someone woke from their nap. Yup she looks just like you when you get up in the morning I said looking at him umm no this is you right. Haha very funny Marco I love you me too baby we kissed I heard Marco whining about to cry feeding time for both ok ok momma's here baby shh it's ok sweetie pie mommy's here I breast fed them while Marco was watching smiling.. what is it babe? It's just you look so beautiful with them in both your arms yeah you can say that. Later that day the twins were asleep except for Marco he was watching his sister while she was sleeping aww your protecting your sister buddy? Said Marco in a baby talk voice he'll go to sleep sooner or later I said he then kissed me i love you so much i love you too papi I said walking off he watched my ass as I walked away mm whoo your papa hit the lucky load with your mama. Marco looked at his daddy pretty soon son you'll have a sexy chica on your arm too..when you get older you'll have a sexy beautiful chica just like your papa. Whoo my boy gonna have all kinds of girls on him when you hit puberty Marco De la Cruz leave my baby boy alone he ain't getting no lil chicken head around him you gonna mess around here make me loose my freedom. Oh come on baby I'll put in a great word for you he said as he walked out of the room one day they'll be grown up yeah but let's just stay like this for a while he hugged me from behind kissing my neck I love you mi amor I love you too baby I'll be performing soon yup Jada and Marco De la Cruz is back baby!

Marco De la Cruz lovesick and obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now