The Sorting

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Snapdragon's POV.

Rose got along great with the boys while we were on the train, especially Lupin. But the train was now stopped and Rose and I have split ways with the boys, who we learnt called themselves The Marauders, funny name if you ask me. Anyways Rose and I were walking and giggling with some little first year when I heard unlike sound almost like a hissing. I looked around trying to find the source but I found no one, I was ignoring Roses calls for me as I tried to follow the sound when I started to get closer I realized it was a snake. I don't know what possessed me to do it but I reached down and grabbed the snake, it stopped hissing and started to talk 'Who are you?' The snake hissed, I don't know how I understood it or talked back to it but I did. 'I am Snapdragon, a witch. Who are you?'

'I am Nagini, thank you for picking me up, I don't have anywhere to go.'

'Of course Nagini, we shall take care of each other?' She nodded her beautiful head in response. Nagini isn't a particularly large snake but she appeared to still be young. However thanks to the large pockets in my robes she had a place to stay. I couldn't let anyone see her, we weren't supposed to have pets other than Owls, Cats, or Toads, and I already had my owl, Mystique.

"What are you doing, Dray?" I rolled my eyes at how worried Rose was, we were only apart for a second.

"Nothing, I'm just excited to get to the school. Sorry for worrying you, Rose." Rose laughed at my 'excitement' and we started on our way again.

When we reached the boat we were told four to a boat. Rose and I hopped onto the one in front of us and started to talk about the "Sorting" as Lily called it, I thought it was a weird name, but having read 'Hogwarts a History" for cover to cover I understood what it was about, I thought I belonged in either Ravenclaw, because I LOVE to learn or Hufflepuff but cause I'm very gentle and reserved. Though those were the two houses I felt like I belonged in, they weren't where I wanted to be put into. I wanted to be in the same house as Rose and Nat, but I was worried because we're all so different that we'll most likely be in different houses.

The rest of the ride to the castle I was busy thinking about the next full moon, and how Professor Dumbledore will help me. I was so consumed in my own head Rose had to shake me when we got to shore. I made a mental note to stop thinking so deeply, I keep missing stuff.

I hopped out of the boat tripping and falling into the water in to process. I heard laughter as I stood up now soaking wet. "CLUTS!!" someone yelled at me, normally I wouldn't have cared but it was my first day and I was embarrassed. My cheeks heated up with a blush, but the I realized my whole body was warm with wind blowing on me drying me quickly. So, once again dry I began to walk up to the school with Rose. I noticed Nat telling the boy who called me a cults to leave me alone, I smiled slightly, Nat sticking up for me was another sign that she was closer to forgiving Rose and me. I pointed this out to Rose and we both continued to walk to Hogwarts silently.

One we got inside the front door we were greeted by a strict but nice looking Professor. "Hello I'm Professor McGonagall. We are ready for you in the Great Hall, please follow me." And without further ado we were headed to the sorting. Suddenly Professor McGonagall stopped Nat, Rose, and me, "You will be sorted last due to the fact you are 6th years, just so we can explain the situation to the other students." All three of us nodded our heads in understanding and she went to set up a three legged stool while placing a old wrinkled hat on top. Out of nowhere the hat sprung to life, startling me in to process, and began to sing.

"Welcome, little ones, to Hogwarts. A school tall and proud. I doubt you'll find smarter teachers anywhere but here. I'm the sorting hat, I'll tell you where to go.

Some may belong in Hufflepuff, truthful, kind, gentle souls. Nowhere will you find people more welcoming than here. All so trusting and loyal to the others come join them, if you care.

Some may find comfort in Ravenclaw. Smart, goal-oriented and helpful. If you value knowledge, here shall be your home. Be willing to learn with a keen mind and you will be greeted with open arms.

Some may have the heart of a lion. You belong on Gryffindor, brave, strong, proud, and loyal. You have more to give then you know. No matter how powerful, you do not turn down others who are any less then you. It takes time to be truly welcomed there but once you are, it is grand.

Last but not least, some of you may belong in Slytherin. Cunning, clever, strong, and powerful, they shall help you on you path to greatness. Friends aren't as common but are always very true. Don't take grief from others and they will smile upon you.

Now put me on and see where you belong. A new year of learning. A new year of fun. Strengthen you house and they shall strengthen you. Be true to you, don't fear placement, stay strong, for I am the Sorting Hat and I know best."

Once the hat finished it's song everyone besides me began to cheer. I was so consumed with worry, I was struggling for breath. Both Rose and Nat belong in Gryffindor but I am more a Hufflepuff. I fear for use to be separated, just another reason I'm not brave enough to be in Gryffindor. What if they are disappoint in me, Hufflepuff doesn't sound like the best house? What if my family won't talk to me? What if Nat, Rose, and Lily think of me as a disgrace?! I hung my head in shame and wished the sorting to just end. As I was thinking Professor and the hat had already begun to sort some students.
"Rale, Hope."
"Reed, John."
This continued until Professor McGonagall folded up the list and began to speak. "This year, we are getting three new sixth years. After being expelled from their past school, Professor Dumbledore and I agreed to give them a second chance, as they are family of one of our existing students. So now we shall sort them." Professor McGonagall re-opened her list and started to read our name in alphabetical order.

"Evans, Carnation." After a few seconds of silence the hat called out "GRYFFINDOR!" Itried to cheer and be happy but my worry was growing.

"Evans, Rose." Professor McGonagall called next. Why must I always be last? The hat took a little more time than it had with Nat before finally calling out, "GRYFFINDOR!" I felt like either being sick or crying I was so worried.

"Evans, Snapdragon." I started to walk towards the hat, tripping in the process. A few people chuckled at my clumsiness and stood back up deciding to make a joke out of it. "Hey! I'm not clumsy, the floor just looked like it could use a hug!" Quite a few people began to laugh the Marauders, my sisters, Malfoy, and and Sec laughing the loudest. With slight bit more confidence I hurried over to the hat, but not before I saw Professor Dumbledore's eye twinkling with entertainment over his half-moon spectacles. I took a seat on the stool and a chuckling Professor McGonagall placed the hat of my head.

'Ahh, what a keen clever mind you have, yet you don't belong in Ravenclaw, as you have already broken a rule.' the hat must have sensed my worry because it quickly added. "Don't worry I won't tell. Now while your sweet, gentle, and kind, you don't belong in Hufflepuff because you have a harder side. A Slytherin side. Yes I believe you belong in Slytherin, being away from your sisters will make you stronger, and they will help you achieve your goals.' I couldn't help but think that it could've been worse, at least I'd have Sev and Malfoy, right? 'However they would tease you because you are a Muggleborn so prehaps. Just maybe there is a perfect house for you, but no you need to be independent. How about we make a deal?' Without waiting for me to reply the hat continued to talk. "I'll place you with your sisters as long as you promise to work on being more independent. Also, you mustn't let people push you around. I know you could throw a good punch if someone was picking on you so promise me you will. You must give me your word.' The Hat quoted awaiting my reply, I considered my option for a couple moments before deciding to agree to my terms. 'Fine, you have my word, I promise to follow you terms.' I thought back to the hat. 'Good' it said inside my head the screamed out to the hall, "GRYFFINDOR!" I smiled and placed the hat back on the stool before hurrying over to Rose and Nat, I then continued to walk until I was next to the Marauders and pushing Black so that there was room for me to sit down.

"Good job, Evans!" Black said happily while the other boys minus Peter nodded in agreement.

"Thanks, Guys!" I sad absolutely ecstatic at where I was placed. "Now I'm going eat before you four inhale all the food!"

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