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I walked over to the cafeteria, and bought a sandwich, and a cookie. As soon as I did that I started to look for a seat, and I noticed how many people were there.

Like... woah.

I spotted Taehyung and Jungkook sitting a table, and I walked over there slow as I could, taking in the glorious feeling of everyone hating my guts.

I don't even know why, but people hating me is refreshing.

It's like trying a new flavour of ice cream.

Don't even ask why... it just is.

I noticed Jennie glaring at me, with I'm guessing Lisa and two other girls.

I looked over at Jungkook and Taehyung who were peacefully talking to each other, so I think they could wait for me if I made a quick stop.

I swerved, like I was driving a car, and I put my arms behind my back, and leaned forward pretending I was flying.

I swear, as soon as I did that, probably like 50 kids became silent.

No one could imagine how hard it was not to die of laughter at that moment.

I stood up straight and let my arms fall to my side as I stood in front of Jennie's table.

"Hey Jennie! So, just wondering why you needed me?" I asked, sounding like a happy little kid, probably from how happy I was at that moment.

She scoffed and said "Why would I need anything from you? You're probably only here because you got some scholarship or something. I bet you're actually super poor, because someone like you could never afford to go to a place like this. I have thought of all the possibilities, and it's obvious. I mean, look at what you're wearing"

I gasped, acting offending, but I immediately changed into my happy self again. "Ohh your so nice! Thinking about me, and assuming I'm super smart!" I said while jumping up and down like I was excited.

As I said that, a whole bunch of people starting crowding around us, like what is their problem?

Ugh, I don't care.

I noticed five people good looking guys at the front of the circle, so the closest to us. Then soon after, Taehyung and Jungkook pushed their way to the front, making it seven good looking guys at the front.

This is making it even more fun.

I put on a curious face "But I seriously thought you needed me. You kept looking at me, so I thought you were telling me to come over, through your eyes" I said then pouted.

She scoffed. "Wow. I thought you were smart, but I guess I was severely wrong"

I nodded, "you were... are you always wrong? Wait. Does this mean you are the one who isn't smart?" I asked, then gasped from my fake realisation

I heard a few chuckles. And I looked over, and saw the 5 boys with scowls on their faces.

"Oh well. I'm going to eat now... seeing as you don't need me" I said before starting to walk, a huge smile present on my face.

But before I could, my cookie and sandwich was snatched from my hands.

I turned on my heel immediately, looking at who stole my food.

It was one of the five boys. He had mint green hair and he was holding MY food, with a triumphant smirk on his face.

He then started walking, and the crowd of people separated making space for him to walk

My eyes widened, finally realising what he was doing, but I was too late.

My food just dropped down in the bin.

The smile I had on my face was now replaced with a frown.


He looked at me dead in the eyes before saying sarcastically "if only that was you. I would love to see you down the bin, as you're already trash."

That group of four girls snickered.

I stormed up to him, anger burning in my eyes. I grabbed him by his shirt, and locked eyes with him, before screaming dead serious in his face, "You can slap me, kick me, punch me, kill me for all I care. But don't you DARE touch my fricken food!" Before pushing him away from me and storming away to the cafeteria.

I heard gasps and... growls(?) behind me, but I DID NOT CARE!

My stomach is starving over here, and where do my food go? I'll tell you.


I walked up the the lunch ladies who had witnessed the whole situation, and knowing who I was, they gave me my food for free, but with shaking hands.

But I could probably ruin this school.

If I said one bad word about this school in an interview, I don't know what the school would do. So every teacher acts like angels around me.

I mean, I don't hate it.

I sat down at the first empty table I saw, and started eating my food.

A smile slowly returned to my face, as the feeling of hunger left my stomach with each bite of my sandwich I took.

This is literally heaven. I mean... what's better then food?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
If there is anything confusing, comment so I can tell you what's happening, so yeah.

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