❧ 1. past and present

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You were standing on the balcony in your short dark red dress looking up at the beautiful night sky, which was filled with sparkling stars. You needed some space from the party that was going on inside the building and just dragged yourself out. Your mind and body were weak due to the alcohol you consumed.

It was the first time you were invited to a party like this because most people disliked you. Some girls dared you to drink 3 shots of tequila and you did. Despite being 16 and underaged you still did it, otherwise they would hate you even more. Your hand went up to your heart lock necklace and you softly caress it.

"Why didn't you just take me with you?" you sigh and look at two bright stars in the sky shining with all their light.

The fresh outside air was peaceful and relaxing making you stay there for a long time just watching the stars and enjoying the surroundings.

You heard footsteps behind you, but decided to ignore it.

'It's probably just someone walking in the hallway'

But you were wrong.

"This is revenge" you heard behind you and as you were trying to turn around you felt two hands hitting your back with force.

The person pushed you hard enough to send you flying off the balcony.

You screamed and tried to grab something to prevent yourself from falling but the only thing that you could grasp was useless air.

Before you knew it you were lying someone's arms preventing you from hitting the ground.

You slowly opened your eyes and saw a guy. A handsome guy.

You felt your consciousness slowly fading away. "T-thank you" was the last thing you could put out before everything went black.


Up the balcony a girl worriedly walked back and forth. "I said you needed to grab the necklace and then kill her, not push her off a balcony!"

The other girl smirked. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it" she said bitchy.

"What if she finds out? We will be in big trouble." The first girl began biting her nails nervously.

"She won't, if you keep your mouth shut. She didn't even see our faces." The other girl smirked while she confidently ran a hand through her hair.

The eyes of the first girl shifted from her nails to something under the balcony. "But that person has" She pointed at a guy that was standing under the balcony watching them with you in his arms.

The guy quickly laid you down on the soft grass and ran away. "Shit!" The two girls ran down from the balcony and tried to find the guy but he was already gone.


When you woke up your best friend was sitting next to you.

When she saw you opening your eyes she immediately began screaming. "OMG Y/N ARE YOU OKAY WHAT HAPPENED?!" You squint your eyes at her loud her screaming.

"Jennie chill, I'm fine" You slowly sat up straight. "What happened?" you asked while rubbing your temples.

"That's what I was asking, what were you thinking, jumping off the balcony like that?! You're lucky the balcony wasn't that high!" she yelled furiously.

"Wait what?" you exclaim in confusion when you realise what she just said. You couldn't seem to remember what happened to you.

She sighed. "Someone came to me and told me you jumped off a balcony after having multiple drinks. I immediately came looking for you and saw you lying on the ground here passed out."

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