The Flash (Day 1)

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"Something happened... And I'm not sure what..."
The day seemed to get colder and colder as I look up into the sky seeing no sign of the sun.. I'm kinda scared but I feel safe in a way.. I live in downtown Seattle in a small apartment building right across from a 7/11.. The power in the apartment seemed to be working fine, as I sit down and reach for the remote on the coffee side table. I turn on the TV and turn channels until I see the news. "Riots break out as sun disappears", I lowered down the volume as I hear screams coming across the darkened hollow street. I walk over to the balcony door and close it, making sure it was locked. I close the raggedy curtains my grandma gave me and slowly walked over to the couch. I'm confused as I felt like this was just a bad dream and sort of nudged it off as if it were nothing. I then make sure the curtains were all closed so the light coming inside my apartment wouldn't cause attention from the commotion happening outside. Maybe it was just a eclipse of some sort? I went to my room and laid down on my bed looking on my phone, i scrolled through my social media seeing raids, guns, etc. I slowly doze off... When I wake up a few hours later I couldnt tell if it was night or day but there was someone standing infront of my window, knowing I was watching with his back to me. Should I hide? I really don't know what to do...

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