II. The Party

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After a few minutes, the car stopped

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After a few minutes, the car stopped. Alexa turned to her right to see the magnificent house, no, mansion. She was shocked by just how big and extravagant it looked, and was more than excited to go inside and explore the house herself.

The limo driver ended up stepping out of the vehicle and opening the car door for her, which she quickly thanked him for. She slowly walked up the steps and inside the house to see a few other people in similar 1920's fashioned attire as her standing in a small area of the house. While it seemed like they couldn't explore right now, the parts that she could see already looked great.

She looked around and noticed her good friends, Eva and Sierra, standing to the side chatting.

"Hi Eva, Sierra. I didn't know you guys would be here." Alexa said.

Eva and Sierra turned around and smiled. They each wrapped Alexa into joyous hugs, which Alexa gladly returned. "Al, you look great." Eva complimented.

Even Sierra was beaming at the costume, even though hers was much more extravagant, especially with that beautiful tiara on. It really completed her outfit. "Yeah, you look amazing. What are you?

"Thanks. I'm the actress, so I get to be really extra tonight." Alexa said.

"Even more than usual?" Eva asked.

"Yup." Alexa said, doing a little twirl for comedic effect. She chuckled a little, and then asked them a question, "Oh, and what are you?"

"I'm the journalist." Eva said. "Yup, and I am the heiress." Sierra said, adjusting her tiara.

"Wow, fancy. That's great." Alexa said.

For a few more minutes the two talked. At some point Lele, who was the hustler, and Oli, who was the big game hunter, joined the conversation. While Alexa knew Lele since they were somewhat close friends, she didn't know Oli, but from their short conversation she could already tell he was a nice, and admittedly cute, guy.

Eventually a familiar voice interrupted their conversation. "So what do you guys think?" They all turned around to see the man of the hour himself, Joey Graceffa. They all cheered and clapped, and Joey smiled.

"Welcome to my new house." Joey said.

Joey talked about the party and introduced them to his staff, which Alexa was kind of creeped out by, well, only the maid creeped her out, but she still didn't have very good feelings about the Butler or groundskeeper either. Nevertheless, she tried to keep that off her mind and just enjoy the party.

She had some drinks and ended up throwing darts with Shane, Eva, and Matt. She got to know Matt and Shane better since she really didn't know them much beforehand, but they were actually pretty cool people.

Eventually when Shane, Eva, and Alexa drifted off somewhere else Shane asked a question. "Are we allowed to look around?" He asked.

"I'm down if you're down." Eva said.

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