I. The Letter - Prologue

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It all started with a letter

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It all started with a letter. . .

Alexa Evans calmly sat on her couch as she finished editing her newest vlog. As she did so the sound of a knock at her door snapped her out of her concentration.

Huh? Why is someone at my door? I don't think I ordered anything recently, did I?

She begrudgingly got and noticed a woman in a black garb that looked like it came straight out of the 1900s. Was it costume day at their workplace or something, or were they attending a funeral soon?

Before she could even open her mouth to just say, "Hi," the lady held out a letter and box. "Telegram for Ms. Evans." She said.

"A telegram?" Alexa questioned, taking the letter and box from the other woman's hands. "Well, thanks." She said.

She closed the door and walked back to her couch as she opened the letter. She tore through the envelope, interested to see what was inside, and took out the letter.

To my esteemed friends,

I have acquired an illustrious estate through the death of a distant relative who I've never met. I thought it only fitting that I invite you all to attend a dinner party on its grounds. It will certainly be a night to remember.

However the estate is quite peculiar. It only exists in the year 1920.
To enter its grounds, you must be dressed entirely with clothing of that era. If you are carrying anything from the modern world, the house will simply never appear for you. And not only your clothing, but your attitude must reflect the time.

I have included your unique characteristics on the back of this invitation. My driver will pick you up and take you on a road that can only be driven by his mysterious time traveling automobile. Then almost like magic, the place will appear.

As Alexa read the letter she became more and more interested in this themed dinner party. When she reached the end of the letter she saw Joey Graceffa neatly written on the bottom of the paper.

A small smile snuck onto her face. "Hm, I should have known it was him." She said to herself. He was always one for theatrics and would always go all out for parties. But this was new, and interesting kind of new, and Alexa wasn't going to skip out on this party.

She turned the letter over to see that her role was The Actress.

The role was fitting, especially with how she had started off as a small time actress, like a lot of other people in LA, before she became a YouTuber. Soon after finding her role, her attention turned to the box that the lady gave her. She grabbed a pair of scissors from her room and cut the ribbon. She opened the tiny box to see an outfit along with various accessories.

Wow, this is fancy. Joey really is going all out with this. Then again, it is the grand opening of his new house, so I guess it makes sense.

Alexa tried to be careful with the fancy outfit and its accessories as she went to her room to get changed. When she looked in the mirror, she was astonished by how good it looked on her.

She was dressed in a 1920's style flapper dress with matching black gloves and heels

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She was dressed in a 1920's style flapper dress with matching black gloves and heels. She also adorned a beautiful pearl necklace, black feather boa, and black feather head accessory. Although she wasn't a big fan of wearing heels, it was just for one night. It wasn't like she was about to go on a marathon run, and besides, it was all apart of being properly in character.

She waited for a few hours for the car to arrive, and quickly got up and walked to the door when she heard a car honk. She opened the door and walked outside to see an old fashioned, yet sleek, white car.

"Ms. Evans?" The driver questioned.

"Yes, that's me." Alexa responded.

Jesus Christ, he even has his own limo driver? Joey's rich! Alexa was still marveling at just how rich Joey's deceased relative must have been, because wow this was amazing.

"Good. I am here to take you to Joey Graceffa's estate." He said.

"Well, it's not like we're going anywhere else, right?" She joked.

"No, Miss, not at all. Now I assume you followed all the rules detailed in the invitation, correct?" He asked.

"Yup. No electronics or anything else on me. I only have my costume." Alexa confirmed.

"Good." He said. The man nodded his head and turned back to the steering wheel. He looked around to make sure the area was clear. Then, with the pull of a lever and the twist of a knob, they were gone and disappeared into the night.

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