IX. Freak Show

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Silence, utter dead silence was the response to Alexa's question.

The first one to speak again was a still scared shitless Joey, "What the hell was that noise?"

"Guys . . . Something's coming for us." Even Eva, the girl that literally saved Alexa and is as kickass as ever, is not doing too well from everything, including the roar. That's definitely not a good sign.

"Something, or someone?" Sierra questioned.

"Something. There is no way that that was a person." Alexa stammered out. God, I hate this. Let's just get this damn thing over with.

"That was definitely something! A someone does not sound like that at all!" Joey added, anger beginning to fuel his voice as a way to cover his still building fear.

"Guys, don't forget, GloZell is dead," Oli reminded them, as if they had forgotten.

"Another girl, you guys. Three girls have died."

"Yeah," Lele agreed.

"I think that's a little sketchy."

Joey gave Lele a look, quickly replying. "Why is that sketchy?"

"Don't forget—Shane died," Oli reminded them. "He's a guy..."

Lele was quick to snap back at Oli, "He was poisoned, okay? We're literally voting for girls."

Okay, this was getting ridiculous. Was the fact that only girls had been killed thus far incredibly stupid? Yes, definitely. But, the reason they were being voted in was not because of sexism. Andrea was voted in because she wasn't that useful, Justine because they all thought she was the killer - which Alexa still regretted terribly - and Glozell was killed because she went against Joey and Joey had to decide who to kill.

She didn't get this pattern either, but she doubted that it was because of sexism. But, hey, if this only helped her and her friends survive then by all means, continue. Besides, all the girls left were her friends, and she wasn't especially close to the boys - except for Joey and, well, she kind of wanted Oli to live as well. So as long as they were okay, along with the girls, she'd be fine for the most part.

"So maybe the evil spirit hates girls for some reason. Maybe it's a girl." Tim joked.

"There's a lady-killer on the loose!" Sierra suddenly shouted.

"Oh my god," Alexa muttered. "Sierra-" Alexa and Eva couldn't stop her though. Sierra had already started a girls only campaign where she was the leader, and it didn't seem like she'd stop anytime soon.

"I think us girls have to stick together." Sierra said, her glare aimed right at the guys.

Joey raised his hand. "Can I be a part of that since I'm, like, gay?"

Alexa cracked a smile at the comment. "Please do."

"Wait, no, don't! Only girls!" Sierra shouted.

"Look, we can talk about this all we want," Oli said, "but if we're going to get out of this, we need to stick together. Blaming people and pointing fingers is only going to make things worse."

"We have three artifacts, guys. We are one more away from getting back to 2016," Matt said.

"Yeah, and one more death sadly," Alexa muttered, "But, I mean, we're at least close to getting out of here, so that's a plus." Alexa was trying to be positive, and failing, but at least she was trying, right?

"Lele and Joey, when you were upstairs, was there anything else that you found? Any clues? Anything we could use to—" Oli asked.

"Yeah." Joey said, pulling out a small ticket to a circus.

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