VIII. Perverse Games

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"Ladies and gentlemen," Arthur announced, calling for their attention once more. "We've decided to put it to a vote to see who will go upstairs and play a perverse game."

"Are these games gonna be fun?" Tim asked. Alexa, who has clearly picked up on the fact that Lele and Tim are the obvious perverts in the room, thought that maybe they should go in. Well, not Lele. She was a friend, therefore she'll probably just send Tim in so that he'll either survive it and get an energy boost, or die instead of one of her friends. But, he's actually been quite useful and been able to boost the morale of the group, so she can't send him in either.

Shit. What do I do? Alexa was quickly reminded by this, once again, how much she hated voting in this stupid place.

Matt turned around and waved his right hand around as he quickly did a head count to check for who was and wasn't there. "Four guys. Four girls."

And, of course, since the groups are equal in people, soon enough Matt, Tim, and Joey go off into their own little corner to discuss who they'll vote for. Oli almost followed them, but surprisingly enough, changed his mind. "I'm gonna stay here." Oli opted to sit next to her, and Alexa had to keep herself from letting her lips lift into a smile.

She totally didn't feel her stomach turn and a few butterflies fill her stomach when that happened. Totally.

The girls looked at Oli, who was now trying to figure out what to do in this situation. "Matt has been acting...strange."

Alexa doesn't really think Matt has been acting that strange. No one has acted particularly odd the whole night, but Alexa can get where Oli is coming from. Soon enough the conversation turned into everyone throwing in their own little theories on who could be evil and who to vote for, until the other group of guests had begun talking especially loudly to the point that Sierra had began complaining.

"They're talking crap about us right now!" Sierra told them, clearly unhappy with this he said, she said BS.

Alexa could hear some of what they're saying, especially about Lele who was actually pretty useful throughout the game, and she was just kind of done with it all. She's sick of the blame game. She's sick of the "He did it!" "She did it!" "They killed them!" accusations. She just wanted to get these next two challenges done and over with so that they can all get home.

"Eva," Oli suddenly said, pointing at said journalist, "do some detective work."

Eva nodded and went to her hiding place.

Which was behind a chair,

in plain view,

right in front of the boys.

Alexa facepalmed and wondered just how they - a bunch of idiot YouTubers - had managed to get tied into a "save this mansion," suicide mission when even members of an organization trained to do exactly that had failed. Well, member had failed anyway.

And, of course, the boys noticed, and Eva eventually rolled out of view, but dear lord it was surprising to Alexa that they had all actually made it this far through the night with this kind of strategizing.

Soon after, the voting began. Lele told everyone straight up that she was voting for Matt, which wasn't really a shocker, but everyone gasped nonetheless. A few more people went up to vote, then eventually Alexa was called up to do the same.

She took the slip of paper and wrote Matt before throwing it into the hat. Matt was a good guy and all, and had been useful, but she couldn't vote any of her friends in, or Oli, and Tim was too useful and kept people happy, so she was left with no choice but to vote him in.

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