VII. Mannequins

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Alexa just wanted this damned "party" to be over with

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Alexa just wanted this damned "party" to be over with. She just wanted the night to end so that she wouldn't have to see any more people die. She could tell that the others all felt the same. The normalły loud, fun, carefree YouTubers were all deadly silent now. It was odd to say the least. Alexa had never really liked it when it was quiet, but she felt like it was only the right thing to do right now. She needed a few minutes to think about what had just happened and grieve over Justine.

It was . . . well, Justine didn't deserve that. No one deserved that kind of death. Even if she had admitted to killing Andrea and everyone thought that she was the rat, they were wrong. This party was still continuing and one of them was still forcing them all to go through this. Justine wasn't the evil, and they had just killed her out of cold blood.

Someone had to die. You said it yourself, "It's either her or us."

She still felt guilty, even with that sentiment in her mind. There was someone worse than Justine. Someone that was so demented that they thought it was good to kill 5 innocent people for a little bit of power.

Who did this to us? What sick, crazy bastard did this?

It disgusted her, it really did. It blew Alexa's mind how someone could take actual pleasure from this. Watching people cry, scream, and grieve over their loved ones' deaths was nothing but a fun game to this person, and when Alexa found them she was going to kill them. She hoped that their death was more brutal than Justine's. They deserved it for all the shit they had done to them.

Yet two more people still needed to die.

She didn't want to think about that. She really, really didn't want to think about that. What other horrendous ways was she going to see her friends die? Stabbing, electric chair, torture, thrown off a cliff - well, the House didn't have a cliff, but enough strange shit had happened that she wouldn't be surprised if there somehow was one - burned at the stake, choked, throat slit, what else? She didn't know.

The silence was getting unbearable, and Alexa's own thoughts were becoming too much to handle, so she spoke up.

"What do we do about this?" She said, a slight waver in her voice. She held up the box, then dropped it back on the table.

"Guys, we just killed Justine." Matt said.

"We buried Justine, but you were acting like you were just so sad and I just don't believe that you were really so sad. I don't buy the act at all, Joey." Glozell accused.

"You didn't buy my act?" Joey asked, shock apparent in his voice.

"No, not at all. You were, "Aw, you know, this my friend." Glozell imitated, contorting her face into an odd expression to mimic Joey.

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