X. The Circus

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The monster - whatever the hell it was - jumped at the window. He screeched, clawed, and screamed at the group in a desperate attempt to get to them. Everyone nearly tripped over each other in order to run away from the moldy-greenish skinned demonic creature.

So, of course, the group dashed out of the nearest entrance in order to get away from the sharp toothed pet from hell and run to the back of the estate.

Alexa scanned the area for the supposed safe zone since that was supposedly the place where they'd be safe. She really hoped that this was not the time where they decided to suddenly lie to them because if they did then they were seriously screwed. And, the heels really were not helping. She was almost tripping every 5 steps.

"Where's the safe zone?"

"Omigod! These freakin' shoes!" Apparently Sierra was having similar shoe issues, which was not really comforting since she did not want her friend to die either.

"There it is!"

They found the safe zone and everyone ran as fast as they could possibly could to the patch of grass. Everyone made it in safely, thank god, but they were just mere seconds from being the surprisingly agile demon's lunch. The demon practically tried to launch himself headfirst into their area, which thankfully didn't work.

Alexa sighed in relief and took a moment to gain back the breath drained from her lungs, but all Oli did was continue to panic. "Oh-my-god. We need a plan, we need a plan, we need a plan!"

"Everyone be quiet! We gotta figure this out!" Matt shouted, all too angry with the . .  unpleasant experience.

The creature then barreled towards the group, and Alexa could have sworn her life flashed before her eyes right there as she shrieked at the thing. And, suddenly, it stopped. It growled and bared its claws at them as if it could do something, but all it did was circle them as it slowly walked away.

"We're safe here," Oli sighed, "We're safe." And Oli was right, they were safe. But then, Alexa remembered the stupid challenge, and her small little bit of happiness about being safe and her inner petty laughter at the monster was short lived—and now crushed underneath said monster's unwashed feet.

And now, everyone had decided to put Sierra and Eva—Alexa's two best friends—in harms way to complete the challenge to "save the day,". . . kind of. She seriously hoped that they wouldn't get eaten by that vomit green demon-goblin-vampire-creature thing during that. Ugh.

"Go!" Joey's cheers as Sierra—who while wearing a clown mask is still clearly terrified, which can be easily seen by her shaking hands—and Eva—the polar opposite it seems—get ready to run, "You guys are good!"

Then in the next few seconds, they dash off past the thing, and make it safe and sound to the other side, only physically of course.

"Okay." Joey spoke up, "Let's make a plan for when I go."

"I'll distract him," Lele offered quickly.

"You sure?" Tim frowned. "Cause you don't have to. I'll do it. I'm fast."

"So am I!"

Their arguing is quickly cut short by the loud sound of a gong being hit, and everyone realized that someone had to go now. Or else, well . . no one really wanted to think about the possible consequences.

"Oh, shoot!"

"Let's go!" Lele shouted, quickly pulling a not-at-all-ready Tim to the frontlines.

"Guys!" Alexa swatted at the two, causing Lele to splutter, "Not yet," Alexa continued. They waited for a few more moments, waiting until Eva and Sierra eventually reached the exchange circle.

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